Reader’s Corner

Today I’m starting a new series, Reader’s Corner, that I hope will be entertaining and informative. I’ve created a questionnaire for readers to complete and will post the results here. Which readers? Anyone who enjoys reading.

Girl Reading Book, Lynette M BurrowsDoesn’t matter whether you read, fiction, nonfiction, comics, or graphic novels–it all qualifies. If you read, I’d love for you to participate. See the downloadable form and instructions below.

I’m pleased to introduce . . . Myself. You’ll find my bio here and my debut novel blurb here. Welcome to my website, my blog, and my first reader interview.

Reader Interview

(with a tip of the hat to Inside the Actor’s Studio)
  • First Name: Lynette
  • Gender: Wonder Woman
  • Age Range: Not dead yet
  • Occupation: Writer and about to be retired pediatric nurse
  • What occupation (other than yours) would you like to try? Singer (if I could get over the stage fright)
  • What sound or noise do you love? A child’s bubbly laughter that you hear and cannot help but smile
  • What sound or noise do you hate? Whining
  • What is your favorite word? Starts with f and rhymes with duck—well, it’s not really a favorite, but it’s one I use way too often!
  • Fiction or Nonfiction? Both
  • Genre? Make me care about the characters and I will read anything. I tend to prefer thrillers. If it’s a thriller space opera, that’s about perfect!
  • Ebook, audiobook, or physical book? Physical book
  • What makes you choose a book to read? Author? Cover? Blurb? Recommendation? Any of the above, though most often it’s a recommendation I’ve gotten from a friend or trusted website.
  • What makes you put down a book? Characters with nothing at stake, characters whose only purpose is to fulfill stupid plot tricks, the story wanders vaguely around events that don’t mean much, or the description or info dump goes on for paragraphs and on for pages.
  • What book did you just finish? A YA Paranormal called Shattered Seam by Kathleen Groger, an Immersion Sister. I read a small portion when we went to a Master Immersion class together. I’m sorry I took so long to get around to reading it. It’s so GOOD! I also read a nonfiction book called The Unfit, History of a Bad Idea by Elof Axel Carlson.
  • What are you reading now? Story Genius by Lisa Cron,
  • Do you re-read books? Yes! Why? I love the experience, the journey, of that particular book. Usually, it’s specifically the characters’ journey, but it can also be the world building.
  • All-time favorite book? Oh, boy, this is tough. Little Women, A Wrinkle in Time, Dune, Seventh Son, Gone with the Wind are all favorites. I have many but I re-read Little Women until the pages fell out.
  • If heaven exists, what would you want St. Peter to say? What took you so long? (interpret that any way you wish!)


I hope you enjoyed the interview.

What other questions would you like to ask readers?

Would you like to answer the questions and be featured in an upcoming blog post? You can download the questionnaire and fill it out.

Join the Reader’s Corner

Download the Reader Interview 

Email me your answers and I’ll let you know when your answers will be featured on this website.

Thank you so much for spending time with me! If you’ve taken the time to download the questionnaire or to comment below, I am delighted and honored.


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