Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain

In December 1967, fifty-three-year-old Louis Washkansky, a South African businessman, was dying. He had diabetes, chronic heart, kidney, and liver disease. By 1965, he had had three heart attacks and only about one third of his failing heart continued to function. All his heart doctors and tests confirmed he was dying. His doctors recommended he see…… Continue reading Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain

Doing What I Love Takes the Sting Out

Doing what I love takes the sting out. Much of it anyway. Not all. The death of my husband overwhelmed me and impacted what I have accomplished so far this year. It’s been messy. I’ve not met many of my intentions. But tracking what I have accomplished and reporting on it here reminds me of…… Continue reading Doing What I Love Takes the Sting Out

10 Ways to Say Thank You

It’s been another year. Another crazy, topsy-turvy year. And for some of us (at least in America), Thanksgiving Day will be hard, fraught with difficult emotions. I’ve found it helpful to look for my gratitude during those times. But it isn’t easy to find something to be thankful for when you’re grieving, or angry, or…… Continue reading 10 Ways to Say Thank You

Gambling on an Opportunity I Found Permission

I took a gamble and went to Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. No, I didn’t gamble on slot machines or baccarat tables or any of the hundreds of games of chance there. The gamble I took was on myself and my writing. I attended 20Books Vegas 2021: a 20Booksto50k® educational and networking event.…… Continue reading Gambling on an Opportunity I Found Permission