We’re all busy, right? We juggle pets, children, spouses, chores, jobs, and more. So how does one make time for learning and personal growth?
Tag: listening
The Joy of Listening to a Book Read Aloud
Story Time Reviews, a monthly feature on this blog, remembers that special time when an adult reads to a child and recognizes that as a grown-up, we need to reward ourselves with a story time now and then. This series reviews audio versions of short stories. Do you enjoy listening to audio books? Do you… Continue reading The Joy of Listening to a Book Read Aloud
Story Time Reviews “Kin”
Story Time Reviews remembers that special time when an adult reads to a child and recognizes that as a grown-up, we need to reward ourselves with a story time now and then. I’m reviving this blog series that offers reviews of stories read aloud. Today Story Time Reviews “Kin” by Bruce McAllister read on “LeVar… Continue reading Story Time Reviews “Kin”
In the Air: livestreaming, podcasts, and YouTube
Livestreaming, podcasts, and videos on YouTube are an endless source of information, inspiration, and a huge research rabbit hole. Listening or watching while involved in completing mindless household chores, makes my chores more pleasant. Here’s a tiny sample of what I found in the air this month. SFWA-#SpecWomenChat— Episode 2—available on YouTube A fascinating panel… Continue reading In the Air: livestreaming, podcasts, and YouTube
Can A Bad Hair Day Be A Good Thing?
Recently on Twitter, one of my WANA1011 classmates mentioned she’d gotten a new hairdo and how good that made her feel. A great haircut and color can do that. It’s invigorating. But a monstrously bad hairstyle? Well, sometimes a bad hair day can teach you a thing or two. CHANGE IS SCARY Shortly after I… Continue reading Can A Bad Hair Day Be A Good Thing?