Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How I Found My Cover Artist. I write but words failed me when I began looking for a cover artist. Read More.

Answers to frequently asked questions are in this document. Please, scroll down to find the topic. But if your question is not answered within this document, please email me via the contact page.

Is there another Lynette Burrows? 

Medical Disclaimer

Reblogging, Quotes, or Links 

Guest Posts


Is there another Lynette Burrows?

Strangely enough, yes. And yes, she is an author of non-fiction.

As far as I know, she lives in the UK. She writes and speaks about parental rights. I have never met her. We do not share anything except a first and last name. Her political views, views on parental rights, on raising children, etc. are her alone . If you were looking for her, I am sorry, but you are in the wrrroooong place.

Medical Disclaimer:

All advice offered is general, and neither, Lynette M Burrows, or her administrator-level associates are responsible for any problems arising from the use or misuse of health or behavior information. Everyone is different, and the Internet cannot diagnose or treat problems.

If you have concerns please visit an appropriate medical professional in person to get proper diagnosis and treatments.

Need help finding a physician? WebMD has some tips on choosing a primary care physician as does the US government site, My Health Finder.

Reblogging, Quotes, or Links

You may quote or reblog up to three paragraphs from one of the posts on—if you give credit and a link back to the full post. If you wish to use more than three paragraphs, please request written permission from Lynette M. Burrows.The use of a whole post without written permission is plagiarism and copyright infringement. We actively search for such violations. If you still have questions or wish to make a request, please use our Contact Form. Thank you.

Guest Posts

Lynette M. Burrows or her administrative level associates may solicit guest posts. A guest blog post must be approved and/or edited by Lynette M. Burrows or her administrative level associates. We rarely accept guest post requests. Most requests are by spammers and are deleted unread.

All posts must reflect the values of

Typical blog posts are 400-800 words. Images and video are encouraged and must be provided by the guest author. The guest author must own or have copyright permission for any images or video published. Please send documentation of proper attribution with submission of your post.Guest posts are expected to be original and not previously published (with rare exceptions). 

As a courtesy, please email Lynette M. Burrows if you wish to re-post or reblog on another site.

If approved, your guest post will be published and available as the “top” post on the blog page of LynetteMBurrows for a minimum of 24 hours (more typically 48 hours). If featured on a banner bar on the first page it will remain on the first page for at least one week.

The post will remain on the site indefinitely although not necessarily available directly from the homepage. If you wish to remove a post you’ve written from this site, email me and we will remove it at our earliest available time.


Endorsements endorses products (publishing, healthcare products, etc) or services (publishers, editors, healthcare related, etc.) she has used herself. For some of these endorsements she receives a small monetary compensation at no additional cost to you. Secondly, please complete your own due diligence to find the right products for your goals and lives.Requests for links, endorsements, or resources will be ignored.  See the statement “she has used.”


This concludes the frequently asked questions page. If your question is not answered here, feel free to email me via the contact page.