I’m Done Eating Turkey

November has been a month of turkey for me. And I’m not talking about the Thanksgiving kind of turkey. As an introvert, I thought the isolation of self-quarantine wouldn’t bother me. I was wrong. It has. And like one gets after eating turkey, I’ve been lethargic. But now, I’m done eating turkey.

I"m done eating turkey even if the table in this photograph is of a Thanksgiving table with serving dishes of cranberry sauce, salad, turkey, dressing, potations and other sides. But I'm done eating turkey.

It started in October. My focus wasn’t there. Everything took twice as long as usual. And after a while, I wasn’t giving my work, my world, the time it needed. I didn’t have the energy or the desire to work hard.

The siamese cat in this photo is laying down, half-asleep with it's tongue hanging out--I'm done eating turkey and being half-asleep.


If I Should Die is still in revision. I’m making progress, but only reached half of my goal. Read the blurb and more about this novel. Or watch me read a chapter on YouTube.

The special project got put on a back burner through inaction.

Beyond that, not much has happened in the Making department.


Welp. This area fell by the wayside, too. I failed to put out an October newsletter. I’m not sure why the newsletter is the thing I keep “forgetting.” I’m working on getting better about that.


With a lot of help from my son and his family, we raked leaves out of my gigantic yard. I am very grateful for their help.

I made a Thanksgiving dinner for two. And the two of us enjoyed our quiet day.

And I received a video of my youngest grandson taking his first steps. Wish I could have been there, but the video helped make the day.

Photo of smiling one year old boy holding a teething toy--I'm done eating turkey and ready to visit my grandchildren as soon as the pandemic is under control

And after too long a time, I got both my Yorkies groomed. At least the first trim. They still need baths and a clean up trim. 

Going Forward

Image of a camera lens through which you can see a perfectly focused swan swimming--I'm done eating turkey and I sure want eat swan but I'm swimming to catch up

I am done eating turkey and getting bupkis done. The pandemic will go on for months more. Not functioning well during the next six months or longer isn’t an option. 

Sleep. I had been getting little sleep each night because I woke at every single little noise. I invested in earplugs. And that has been key to me getting more sleep. And my focus back. 

Yup. I’m done eating turkey. The list of things I need to catch up on is formidable. But so am I. 


  1. I could’ve written this post (except for the grandson part – what a cutie!). I haven’t felt like doing much of anything. I’m lucky to get my day job work done, forget writing. Good job getting to the bottom of your insomnia! Wish me luck there – earplugs do me no good (thanks, tinnitus). And good luck getting back to the writing!

    1. Hi, Jennette. Thank you. And I’m so sorry about the tinnitus and the shared malaise/insomnia of 2020. Talk to your doctor if you can’t find help for your insomnia. I’m still not sleeping through the night, but I’m definitely getting more sleep. It makes a huge difference.

  2. I didn’t eat any turkey this year, so I can’t blame my lack of productivity on the poor bird LOL. I am curious about your decision to read a chapter of your book on YouTube. Is that a teaser, or will you be reading additional chapters? What has been the response? Will you be reading the audiobook version as well?

    1. Hi, Lissa. Reading chapters of my WIP on YouTube is an experiment. I have four chapters on there, I think. I wanted to know number one, if I could do it. Obviously, I managed. Number two was to see if I got a response. Response has been tepid so far. But I’ve not promoted the videos except on this blog. Plus, so far I have a pretty small audience. A devoted one, but not many people. And the third reason was with to test to see if I could do my own audiobooks. I could. I had researched what I’d need to do…it’s doable. And though I was warned about how much time it took, I was still surprised. So my decisions now are about investment of both time and money. I’m continuing to research. And of course, the novel is in revision right now –and changing. lol Does this answer your questions?

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