Hits, Misses, and Challenges

It’s the beginning of a new quarter. Time to review the hits, misses, and challenges of my intentions for the last quarter. And as everyone knows, the last month of the last quarter was a doozy. This whole first quarter challenged me in unexpected ways.  1st Quarter Intentions If you recall from my post describing… Continue reading Hits, Misses, and Challenges

A Difficult Week That Isn’t So Bad

My writing life has been busy. Marketing, last minute publishing snafus, outlining, planning, my list of things to do is unending. My personal life has been busy, too. This has been a difficult week that isn’t so bad. The Good Much of the week was good. I finished creating bookmarks, images for ads, prizes for an… Continue reading A Difficult Week That Isn’t So Bad

Speak Up Readers, What do you think?

During my leave of absence from the blog, I have finally finished a non-writing project that had been on hold while I launched my website and blog. And during the past two weeks, I have continued reading contributions from my favorite bloggers. Recently The Passive Voice posted part of a guest on Publishing Perspectives. It… Continue reading Speak Up Readers, What do you think?