The Wormhole of Wrecked Resolutions

Hello! I’m back from the wormhole of wrecked resolutions.


Well, I can’t blame you. I’ve been gone a long time. Where was I? I was lost in a wormhole.

unedited photo: Wormhole by Steve Moses via Flickr Creative Commons.

According to, a wormhole is a theoretic passage through time and space that could create shortcuts across the universe. This wormhole was first proposed by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in the theory of relativity. They thought of it as a bridge. Well, let me tell you, wormholes can have mighty long bridges. Life handed me a one-way ticket through a wormhole about two years ago.

Scientists speculate that it takes negative energy to keep a wormhole open. Check.  I’ve had my share of negative energy ranging from having to say goodbye to beloved pets to hated-but-required tasks of the day job, to housework (oh, the waste of time!), and the nightmare and heartache of a loved one’s life-limiting illness. My resolutions, my goals, slid out of sight as I trudged one foot in front of the other, trying to make it through to the other side of the wormhole.

Yet, in the quantum foam that formed my wormhole there existed moments of awesomeness. I attended a life-changing Master Immersion Class with Margie Lawson and participated in an online FAB 30 class. I experienced the joy of my son’s wedding, a grandson’s enthusiastic exploration of the day, critique partners who cheered me on in my writing journey, and quiet moments of tenderness with loved ones. But in my travels through the wormhole, I found I was missing something.

You see, when life handed me the ticket through the wormhole, I battened down the hatches to focus on two things: my writing and my family. I didn’t want to look back and regret not having been there for the moments my beloved and I had left.

Those moments have been precious. I wouldn’t trade any of them. Not even the “negative” ones for without them my “positive” moments would have been less shiny (and I do love shiny!) I will not ignore those moments ever again. I know that now. But in my anxiety to be certain I didn’t miss those, I missed a whole bunch of moments with you folk, my readers, classmates, and friends. My bad. My deepest apologies to all of you.

I’m still on that bridge through the wormhole. It’s not a flat bridge. It’s not a yellow-brick road to the land of Oz. There will be times when I post irregularly. But I won’t ignore the online moments anymore. My moments with you are a valued part of the wondrous trip through the wormhole we call life. I don’t want to miss any of them. 

Have you ever been lost in a wormhole? Please, take a moment and, in the comments below, share one of your wormhole moments.   


  1. Glad to see you poking your head back into the bloggosphere! I’ve been caught up in a wormhole since about the beginning of the year. Just too much else going on to blog lately, and not much of it writing, unfortunately. Hope to see you back again soon!

    1. Jennette, you’ve been caught in a wormhole, too? Oh, dear. I hope the bridge smooths out for you. And I am doubly appreciative of your taking the time to comment. Thanks!

  2. Yay, you made it back from the other side!! Wormhole. Is that what it is? That would mean I’ve been living in a perpetual Wormhole for longer than I’d like to remember. It’s like I’m stuck in it and I can’t get out. Although I too have a post about halfway written. Ya never know. I may actually get my act together. Stranger things have happened. So glad to see you back Lynette! 🙂

    1. Hi, Karen! Yes, I’m back but, like you, I’m also still stuck in the wormhole. I know you (at least virtually) and I know you get your act together and give us an excellent post. So grateful that you were able to make it out of your wormhole for a bit and you chose to use that time to visit here. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Jan, for the nudges (to blog again), the compliment, and the share.

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