Fellowship, a short novel

Fellowship, a short novel written in the same world as My Soul to Keep is finished. Beta readers will be receiving the ARCs this week. The cover art reveal…just weeks away.

Beta Readers

Beta readers volunteer to read and give feedback on a a work before it’s published. They spot the plot holes, the character inconsistencies, and just plain mistakes so the author and the book will look as good as possible on publication.


The Advance Reader Copy (ARC) is the unpublished book before the final proofreading is done. This is what Beta readers receive, warts and all. *smile*

With a little help from my artist hubby, I created the ARC cover for Fellowship. This is not the final cover.

The arc cover for Fellowship, a short novel, is a black and white image of the blue ridge Mountains with a red and white Fellowship Shield suspended above the title.

Book Description

The book description that will be on Amazon and all ebook retailers is:

The Angel of Death is real.

Eighteen-year-old, Ian Hobart couldn’t believe it. Didn’t want to believe it.

But his parents and older brother were Taken. And the Cleaners want him and his three younger siblings.

They escape and hide in the wilds of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Now his siblings depend on him for their survival.

But resources are scarce. The mountains unforgiving. And winter is weeks away.

Ian relies on his best friend’s help… And puts his friend at risk.

Will Ian lose the last friend and family he has left?

Or can he identify and neutralize their betrayer before the Fellowship’s Cleaners find and neutralize them?

I’ve created a page for the book. It lists the blog posts and the sample chapter I’ve put on this blog. You can find it here.

Fellowship will be published at the end of next month. But I could use your help. Would you like to be a beta reader? Would you like to help spread the word about this book or any of my books? Join my reader group, Burrows Insiders.


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