The first line of a story, we’re told, must hook the reader. Do any of the lines in today’s Dystopian SF First Lines post hook you?
Tag: Dystopian novel
If I Should Die, a Sneak Peek at a Revision-in-Progress
If I Should Die is book two in the Fellowship Dystopia series. Is Miranda’s argument valid or is she blind to danger?
Despite All That 2020 has Thrown at Us
The pumpkins and witches and goblins are out. That means it’s the end of October 2020. What progress can I report? Well, a lot and not a lot. But it’s 2020, so that has to be okay. And when I looked back at it, October was a productive month in despite all that 2020 has… Continue reading Despite All That 2020 has Thrown at Us
Sneak Peek: If I Should Die Chapter 6
Welcome to sneak peek, If I Should Die Chapter 6. This is the sixth installment of my work-in-progress.
A Sneak Peek for Your Entertainment
The COVID-19 virus is here in the world. All that will matter when this is over is how we behaved during this crisis. It’s time to circle our wagons and open our hearts. I’m offering a little diversion, a sneak peek for your entertainment. My Hope For You My husband and I have self-quarantined. It’s… Continue reading A Sneak Peek for Your Entertainment