Yikes! This week’s Mashup demonstrates to me that I’d better write faster. Some of my stories are about become reality – well, sort of. . . . I hope you enjoy these links. What do you think they are Glorious Mistakes or Wave of the Future?

If you’re ‘into’ space exploration, you already know about the success of Dragon, the privately funded and created space vehicle that successfully delivered supplies to the International Space Station a few weeks ago. This editorial I came across suggestions that Elon Musk may be the Howard Hughes of Space Exploration.
What a story idea!
In our lifetime! Tourists can take XCOR suborbital flights from Mojave, California beginning June 2014. If you could easily afford to buy a ticket on this rocket-plane, would you?
Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. Read about the Robot Fish! Do you think this might be a sign that humanoid robots interacting with humans is in our new future?
Did you know that there was a Registry of Eugenics in America? Learn more at the eugenics archive. Kind of creepy, huh? Eugenics is one of the subjects I explore in the novel I am revising, My Soul To Keep. But, you know what would be creepier? Eugenics in the future. This NY Times article talks about testing parents to map the genes of a fetus. What do you think? Is gene mapping of a fetus the eugenics of the future? Or will gene mapping lead to less suffering due to genetic mistakes?
I am saddened by the passing of Ray Bradbury. His books scared me, delighted me, painted pictures in my head, and inspired me. Here is an inspired tribute by William Orem, Farwell, Rocket Summer, one of the many, many tributes to this Grand Master of Science Fiction. What was your favorite book or story by Ray Bradbury?
This video of Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech is long at 19 minutes, but it is full of wonderful advice and inspiration about more than just writing, it’s advice on how to live a glorious life: Make Glorious Mistakes, Make Good Art. I encourage you to make time to listen to this.
Do you aspire to make Glorious Mistakes?
INSPIRATIONS offered by my WANA friends
Debra Eve‘s website, Later Bloomer is always full of inspiring stories of people who, later in life, followed their dream to success. This book review and introduction to later bloomer, Angela Artemis of Powered by Intuition, is no exception. Be sure to read the comments as well for more inspiration.
Colin Falconer delves into history and finds a real-life disease that explains . . . vampires and Why Vampires Will Never Die. What reality do you think is behind the myth of the vampire?
On A Personal Note:
Since I launched this blog I have had more health and personal issues to deal with than stars in the sky. Okay, not really billions of problems, but a lot of things have come up and made blogging on a regular schedule difficult. But the mistake would be to give up, for then I’d have to give up connecting with each of you. And connecting with you is something I treasure.
Because of all the ‘lost’ time, not only am I behind on blogging but I am way behind on the revisions of my book, My Soul To Keep. With issues slowly resolving, I am focusing on getting that book done, which is why you’ve seen so few posts from me.
I am anticipating a change in day-job responsibilities at the end of the summer. It is my hope and prayer that this change will give me more time to write fiction and blog.
I hope you find inspiration in these links, that you will make Glorious Mistakes and Great Art. Please leave a comment and feel free to share a link where you’ve found inspiration or fascination. I love hearing from you! Just remember, only one link or you’re likely to end up in the spam can.
take care of yourself first, writing fiction is second and we’re here waiting when you’re ready. hugs
Thanks, Louise.
You are an inspiring woman, writer and human being, Lynette. Thanks for this post!
I’m so glad you haven’t let your health problems keep you from blogging. I also hope you’re feeling healthier and happier day by day.
Wow, August. You make me blush. Thank you.
Thanks for the links – look like some good stuff there!
Hope your health issues improve, and the day job changes work out as you hope! Until then, blog when you can!
Things are improving, Jennette. I’m trusting my instincts regarding the day job. 🙂
Thanks for the shout-out, Lynnette! Don’t worry, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Thank you, Debra! I appreciate the crossed fingers. 🙂
Great mash-up Lynette! I heart Debra Eve and Colin Falconer too!
Listen Lynette, you are going through a terrible period in your life. I may not be dealing with matters of the heart, but what my dear husband has been going through has been nothing but heart-wrenching. They say that stress can kill you Lynette. And I’m starting to believe it. This year is the worst ever. We’ve been married for 36 yrs. Nothing compares to having severe health problems. And what crazy is that they seem to be ongoing. They don’t seem to stop.
So hang in there Lynette. So glad to see you post. But even if you didn’t, we couldn’t forget you girl. Please give our best to you DH. And let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. I’m serious. Take care of you! {{Hugs!}} 🙂
Karen, you are seriously the BEST supporter ever! Thank you for your comment. I know you’ve got a lot going on at your house. You hang in there, too. I love your hugs and hug you right back!
I’m glad things are improving Lynette. Sending you good thoughts–take care!
And thanks for the inspiration 🙂
Thanks, Coleen.
Wonderful links. Thanks for sharing, Lynette. I’m glad to see you back and I hope things work out great for your health and work. And remember that book revisions come before blogging, and your well being comes before everything else. Take care of yourself.
You are welcome, Reetta. Yes, I am trying to take care of myself and my DH. Sometimes the slowness of healing can be quite frustrating, but we’re moving forward. So is my revisions. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Please tell Bob I love his “retro” rockets! Why don’t we ever see any of this work at ConQuesT, August Art Night, or the Holiday Visual Feast?
This “mashup” post is so complex it’s hard to respond to your questions, but here are some thoughts:
I followed “Dragon’s” flight with great enthusiasm, and I am delighted that the mission was so successful. Elon Musk is also the motivating force behind the Tesla electric car, and I’ve been fascinated by his career for some time now. And if I could afford a ticket, of course I’d go!
On the eugenics question, I think that gene-testing fetuses is inevitable, and that anyone concerned with medical ethics should be watching this issue closely. There are many benefits to be derived from gene therapy and screenings–but the lessons of the past must be heeded. Unfortunately, humans tend to have difficulty with that!
And I absolutely loved Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech! Thanks for posting it!
Hi, Jan! Yes, Elon Musk is fascinating. But you’re right to be concerned about the price of the tickets . . . I’m guessing they might be . . . astronomical! 🙂
Oh, you nailed it. Some humans have a great deal of difficulty remembering lessons of the past. I fear that may always be the way. The benefits of advances may be overshadowed by the evil that men do.
So glad you liked Neil’s speech. It was one of those things I had to share.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment. I know how busy you are. 🙂
Hello Lynette! I’m sorry you’ve had so much to deal with. I hope it all works out for you – soon- so you can focus on your passions. I can sure relate to having one thing after another to deal with that makes blogging so challenging, but I enjoy it so much and don’t want to give it up either. I hope you get to those revisions on your book and hope things go well for you this summer and then you’ll have more time at the end of summer. Yay!
I enjoyed watching Neil Gaiman’s video. Very inspiring, especially at the end. As far as riding in one of those rocket planes, uh, no thanks! I have a fear of flying, although I still travel every few years. But the rocket, way out of my comfort zone! LOL. Take care of yourself.
Lynn, you are so sweet. It will all work out. I think I’m on the down swing of a Glorious Mistake, but I’ll ride the Wave of the Future soon! LOL. Thanks for stopping by.
After 51 years of living on earth
i’d be the 1st to pay for a ticket to take me away to space in the hope that there would be a better society up there.
I’m kidding myself of course
but my point is Lynette
our society is so damn depressing it makes people want to escape.
There are a lot of problems, that is true. I tend to be an optimist and think we will figure it out, painfully, to be sure, but eventually. I’d take the trip just because I think it’d be an amazing experience. Best wishes to you, Trevor, and thank you for taking time to share your thoughts.