If you’re struggling to be creative during this time of uncertainty, remember you aren’t powerless. Regain your creativity with these tips.
Category: Inspiration and Motivation
Inspiration is everywhere, if you look. This is a selection of people, places, events, art, and music that motivate and inspire me. I hope you’ll feel the same.
The Hidden History of Afong Moy & American Prejudice
At 18-year-old Afong Moy was the first recorded Chinese woman who entered the US Sadly, her sparse history says more about early America’s citizens than Moy.
Preserving Your Creative Self When Disaster Strikes
Whether it’s from a current disaster or an old trauma, emotional wounds don’t have to spell the end of your creativity. Healing is possible.
Give Your Creative Self Grace When You Need It
Trying to be creatively productive during times of extra activities and stress can obliterate your goals. Read 5 tips on being productive & self-compassionate.
Tips for Transforming Your Thanksgiving into Your Art
Get valuable insights and tips on how to embrace your creativity and find inspiration in your holidays and your everyday experiences.