Reader Interview: What Does Reader Sarah Want?
(With a tip of the hat to the Inside the Actor’s Studio)
First Name: Sarah
Gender: F
Age Range: 21-40
Occupation: peer tutor at the JCCC Writing Center
What occupation (other than yours) would you like to try? Fiction and poetry writer
What sound or noise do you love? Purring cat
What sound or noise do you hate? Insistent meowing of cat wanting to go outside
What is your favorite word? Bizarre
Fiction or Nonfiction? Fiction
Genre? Speculative fiction, but paranormal urban fantasy is a particular favorite.
Ebook, audio book, or physical book? Physical book unless I can’t get it that way.
What makes you choose a book to read? Author? Cover? Blurb? It has to look and sound entertaining. Being an author I’ve already read helps, but if the concept is intriguing that’ll do.
Recommendation(s)? Laurell K Hamilton, Kim Harrison, Writing the Other by Nisi Shawl, Fast Girl by Suzy Favor Hamilton, Impossible Things by Connie Willis, Troublemaker by Leah Remini.
What makes you put down a book? Boredom or slogging through a book like it’s a chore.
What are you reading now? Just finished Dancing and Wounded by Laurell K. Hamilton, which are only available as ebooks.
Do you re-read books? Yes, frequently. The more stressed I am, the more likely I am to be re-reading instead of reading a new book.
All time favorite book? Rilla of Ingleside by L. M. Montgomery.
If heaven exists, what would you want St. Peter to say? Glad you’re here or it’s good to finally meet you. Something along those lines would be nice : )
Sarah Worrel completed her associate’s degree at Johnson County Community College. She graduated from the University of Kansas, where Sarah enjoyed her job at the KU Writing Center. Sarah loves working at the JCCC Writing Center and also takes Digital Media classes at JCCC. Her short stories have appeared in Coal City Review and Ad Astra, while her poetry has appeared in 365 Days: A Poetry Anthology and at 150kansaspoems.
Thank you, Sarah! I know I’ve added several titles to my TBR list. How about you?
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