I got tagged. Not once. Not twice, but three times! I am honored by my online friends. Now I HAVE to respond to the 11 Questions Game and the Lucky 7 Meme. And the answer is Happy Rodents and a Lucky Snippet.
I’ve been watching the games of 11 Questions and the Lucky 7 Meme flying around the net lately and having great fun reading everyone’s posts. Being the shy type, I just lurked on those wonderful sites, kind of envious that they were having fun, but relieved I wasn’t tagged. Why relieved? Because I have a bunch of amazingly talented friends and worry that my words are pale compared to theirs. Then it happened.
The awesome Rachel Funk Heller tagged me for the 11 Questions game. Rachel writes mysteries and inspiring blog posts with fantastic metaphors. Be certain to visit her blog. You won’t regret it.
The rules for 11 Questions:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the questions on your blog. Create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.
So here are the questions Rachel asked, and my answers.
1. What is your favorite cruciferous vegetable?
Ok. First I had to look up what the heck cruciferous vegetables were. When I did I got a list: Arugula, Brussel sprouts, chard, daikon, mustard greens, turnips, bok choy, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, kale, radishes, watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, kohlrabi, and rutabagas. What?! Are you kidding me? Those are vegetables? Ok. I admit having eaten fourteen of those. And in the right mood, I even liked most of them. But I’m more of a root vegetable girl, give me a sweet potato any time.
2. At what age did you realize Santa Claus, might not be real?
Noooo! Tell me it’s not so! I am a Christmas sap. Naysayers, go away–I will never believe you. Santa, I still believe in you and I always will!
3. Where is the worst place you have ever made whoopee?
Hmmm. Depends upon what you mean by ‘worst.’ And that’s all I’m saying about that. 🙂
4. What is your favorite rodent?
Generally, I keep as far away from rodents as possible. So this was another question I had to do a little research on. Did you know that rodents comprise 40% of all mammals and live on every continent except Antartica? There are more than 2,000 species! Wikipedia has a general information piece that I found interesting. There are all kinds of critters that are classified as rodents that I have had some acquaintance with. Some unfortunate. Some, I recall being quite fond of. So my favorite species of rodent are the cartoon chipmunks: Chip and Dale.
Go here for a sample of the cartoon.
5. List your five favorite letters of the alphabet.
REMWB – my DH’s and son’s initials, who else?
6. If you could be a Spice Girl, which one would you be?
So we’re talking Baby, Posh, Scary, and Ginger. I think I’d have to go with Ginger Spice, because of her hair color and the fact that she’s writing books for children.
7. If you were a superhero, what are your superhero name and your special power?
Oh, my gosh, I have to choose just one superpower? How? Let’s see . . . Speed? Then maybe I’d have a chance to get everything on my to-do list done. . . but would I be able to savor life if I just sped through it? Strength? No, I just don’t run into a whole lot of problems that would be solved by strength. Healing? Now that would be wonderful, except I’d never been able to touch everyone that needs the healing. . . Shape-shifting? Weather-controlling? Aw, man. There are so many to choose from!
I know! I want the power to be able to have whatever power I need at the moment. You can just call me, The All-Powerful Oz Ozette!
8. What is your Drag Queen name? Take the name of your first pet, and the name of the first street you lived on.
My first dog was a cocker spaniel we had when I was a toddler. His name was Buttons. The name of the first street I lived on is harder. I don’t know what that street name was. The first street name I remember living on was Montevideo. So, that makes my Drag Queen name, Buttons Montevideo. Kind of brings a character to mind, doesn’t it? Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
9. Boxers or Briefs?
Hmmm. I’m more interested in what’s inside of them! 🙂 Now, now. Get your mind out of the gutter! I meant the whole person – really, I did.
10. You’ve just made an embarrassing fast dash into an elevator car after you make it and the door closes, you are panting and out of breath, you look up and there is your favorite celebrity of all time: what do you say?
Um, believe it or not, something like this actually happened to me.
I was at a World Science Fiction convention in Atlanta. The convention hotel had an open atrium that was maybe 100 stories tall (okay, my acrophobia is showing – would you believe 30 stories?). Glass elevators overlooking the atrium ran up and down on three sides. There was no alternative except the stairs. And 20 some flights of steps were no joke. So I took the elevators and tried to pretend there were solid walls.
It was my first convention where I was a published author and a member of SFWA (the Science Fiction Writers of America). I knew there was a strong possibility that I’d meet famous authors, so I’d prepared. I planned on saying hello, introducing myself as an author, complementing the famed one’s clothing or hair or making a cogent comment about something the famed one had said on the panel, and casually mention a title or two by that author.
Well, I thought I’d prepared.
One day running late for an event, I breathlessly catch the elevator and stand as far from the glass wall as possible. A man stands, in front of the glass, in his swim trunks with a towel draped around his neck. He reads my name badge that proudly displays, member SFWA on it. He reaches out to shake my hand and says, “Hi, Lynette. I’m Alan Dean Foster. Welcome to SFWA.” I don’t even know what I said. I probably sputtered something all fangirl and inane like, “Oh, thank you, so much! I just love all your books,” while inside I was screaming Alan Dean Foster knows this is my first year in SFWA – how does he know that – what do I say – oh, my gosh – he’s in his swim trunks – what do I say? Great trunks? Ack! ALAN DEAN FOSTER – what do I say??? I only hope I wasn’t opening and closing my mouth like a fish blowing bubbles! In my next life, I want to be all refined and cool, able to quote memorable passages and say something divine and intelligent.
11. What is your favorite Halloween costume of all time?
This one’s hard! I’ve had some fun costumes, but I think my son’s first Halloween costume has to be my all time favorite. He was 8 months old, a chubby, happy baby in a little blue sweatsuit with a sweatband around his head and carrying a sweat sock (clean!) for treats. It will always be my favorite.
Thanks, Rachel Funk Heller, that was fun!
I tag:
Indy Quinlen
Reetta Raitanen
Lynn Kelley
Louise Behiel
Debra Kristi
Karen McFarland
Shannon Esposito
Diane Capri
Jennette Marie Powell
Samantha Warren
Prudence MacLeod
Here are your questions:
- 1. What book or series can you read over and over again without getting bored?
2. What TV show character do you hate and why?
3. If you were a superhero, what are your superhero name and your special power?
4. What is your favorite earworm (a song that gets stuck in your head)?
5. If you could be any character of the opposite sex in any story, who would you be and why?
6. What was the worst job you’ve ever had and why?
7. What was your favorite TV show when you were growing up?
8. What mode of transportation (horse, automobile, bus, train, boat, airplane, space plane, etc.) would you never want to use and why?
9. What job/occupation would you never want to try?
10. If you could tweet a warning or encouragement to one person in history, what would you tweet to whom and why?
11. Tell us about one thing on your bucket list.
You don’t have to be tagged to play. In fact, if you would answer one of these questions in the comments, I’d be delighted to get to know you better.
My dear friends, Pat O’Dea Rosin and Ginger Calem, tagged me for the Lucky Seven Meme. These two are mighty bloggers, too. Please visit their blogs. You’ll learn about Irish castles and a young girl’s donation to Locks of Love and a whole lot more. 
The rules for The Lucky 7 Meme:
- Go to page 77 of your current MS/WIP
- Go to line 7
- Copy down the next 7 lines, sentences, or paragraphs, and post them as they’re written.
- Tag 7 authors, and let them know.
Ok, here’s my snippet from my WIP:
“You go to Obelia to look for what? Because of the first client who was nearly killed, or for the mountain men, or for something else?”
Rena looked at Ahkim who smiled slightly and pretended an interest elsewhere. She leaned forward. “You and Jace are my family, Leandre, but I need answers.”
“What if the one you seek cannot be found?”
Rena glanced down at her hands resting on the table, then up, meeting Leandre’s look. “I must do this,” she said.
So that’s my snippet, I hope you enjoyed it. Now I tag the following authors:
Holly Messinger
Jan Gephardt
Karen McFarland
Indy Quinlen
Reetta Raitanen
Pat O’Dea Rosin
Louise Behiel
None of the folks I’ve tagged are obligated to play these games. You’re all busy authors, I know. But I’ll be tickled if you decide to join in the fun, and I know you’ll have fun, too.
Thanks to everyone who stops by and reads my blog. I appreciate your readership more than you know. And I so love it when you take the time to comment!
Hi Lynette, thanks for the tag. I’m not sure if I have the time to do this properly, but I’ll see what I can do. It sure looks like fun.
Loved your answers; I too believe in Santa, damn the naysayers, bring on Christmas.
Hi Prudence! Thanks so much. It was fun. I’m glad you played along. Your answers were pretty good, too!
Oh, what a fun post!
I loved your answers – especially your super power. Nicely done All-Powerful Ozette! lol!
And your excerpt was great, too. I’m curious who she wants to find and why.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Jennifer! The Great and Powerful Ozette has spoken! LOL!
Fun post Lynette! And your excerpt has got me curious 🙂
Oh and according to question #8, my drag name is apparently Lucky Devon. Ha ha.
Lucky Devon. Not bad at all. I can see Lucky and Buttons working the same stage, can’t you? LOL!
You were cooler under pressure than I’d have been in that elevator, Buttons. You also aced those eleven questions. As for the snippet, now I MUST know whether Rena found the answers she needed.
Oh, Pat, I did not feel cool in that elevator at all! I’m sure ADF has completely forgotten the incident but it will stay with me all my life! Thanks so much.
First, really enjoyed your snippet! I just love reading everyone’s. I’m a little behind so I know I get to enjoy a lot of catch-up snippets today.
Second, your lucky 11 answers were great! So fun getting to know all these facts. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Ginger. I’m so glad you liked the snippet. It’s kind of nerve wracking to post those things, but all the support makes it oh, so much easier!
Greetings All Powerful Ozette! 🙂 That would make a good vanity plate. Great answers & thanks for the tag. 🙂 I’ll get jiggy with it.
Thanks, Shannon! It would make a great vanity plate! You are so welcome. I can’t wait to see your answers.
I enjoyed your snippet, Lynette. Your characters have cool names. And your answers to the 11 questions are so interesting. Well done! And, oh my, you thought of some very good questions, and now I need to think up some answers! Thanks for the tag!
Thanks, Lynn. I’m glad you liked the snippet. It takes place in Greece, hence the cool names. 🙂 I hope you have as much fun writing your answers as I did doing mine!
Dear Ozette,
Your title hooked me right in. What a fun post! I don’t think you need to worry about living up to your talented friends’ capabilities. Maybe they should equally aspire to yours!
Aw, shucks. You found the one weakness of the great and powerful Ozette – pretty compliments. 🙂 Thanks so very much, Jan.
loved this post, and even the questions for those you tagged. It will be fun to think about and answer them one day this week.
Thanks, Louise. I hope you have as much fun answering as I did!
That was good. I particularly liked the answer to the boxers or briefs question – laughed out loud at that answer, hehehe. What’s that Rachel like?
Great excerpt, darling. I have no idea why everyone’s shaking in their boots over these, from what I’ve read all of you seriously rock!!
Thanks, Christine. I swear, it’s the truth! I’m interested in the whole . . . person. 🙂
Wow. Thanks for the encouragement. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.
Hi Buttons Montevideo!!! I love that name. I’m so glad you had a good time with my whackadoodle questions. Great dialogue in your snippet, keep up the good work.
Hi, Rachel. I’m thinking I might have to develop a character for that name, Buttons Montevideo. It could even be he’ll be a drag queen. Wouldn’t that be fun?! Thanks again for tagging me with your ‘whackadoodle’ questions, it was a blast! And thanks so much for the compliment on the snippet.
Hilarious answers! I think that I have been in the same hotel where the Alan Dean Foster incident happened. Dragon Con is likely hosted there. I walked close to the hotel doors since our room was on a corridor that flanked the atrium.
Thanks for tagging me! I’ll post my answers next Monday.
And great except. I love the working title Paladina. You got me hooked. I really want to learn more about the story.
You have been in the same hotel! Absolutely. Stay close to the doors/wall. That atrium is terrifying!
You are welcome. I’m looking forward to your answers.
Thank you. I am thrilled you like the excerpt of Paladina.
Oh my Lynette, love your 7 lines! And wow, what a post eh? Great job on your answers! I love Chip and Dale! They’re my favorite rodents too! Okay, I’ve been tagged eight times for the Lucky 7 and three times for the eleven questions. I’ve been trying to get my focus back on my WIP. LOL! But I’ll see what I can do! Thanks Lynette. 🙂
Karen, thank you so much. Seven lines to hook a reader – what a challenge.
My husband and I have been doing lines from Chip and Dale all day. 🙂
I can so appreciate needing to get your focus back on your WIP. Social media and blogging can be so addictive! But the WIP comes right after you taking care of yourself! So, if you can do a post, great. If not, you just keep working on that WIP. 🙂