Part 8: Revisioning Your Story
Wow. It’s been a long haul, but you’ve analyzed your story for seven long lessons, from Character Goals to Plot Twists to the End and the Beginning. Now it’s time for putting the pieces together. Finally, it’s time to fix it. What? You’re worried that you can’t fix it or that fixing it will destroy what you loved about it? Take a deep breath. You’ve done your homework, right? No reason to worry. You have all the tools you need to shine it up and fall in love with it all over again.
What You’ll Need
For this lesson, you will need all of your notes from the previous seven lessons, a pen and paper, lots of it, music, snacks and fluids, a three-ring binder or other organizing notebook, and uninterrupted time. You see we’ve been working on preparing your mind, your muse if you prefer. And now, you’re going to tell your muse that it’s time to work.
Gather all of your notes and your manuscript. You will need a large stack of paper and several pens (you don’t want to run out of ink in the middle of inspiration, do you?) Lay in some easy to eat, healthy snacks and lots of water. You need to stay hydrated and keep your blood sugar up in order to be your most creative and productive.
For many people, music helps focus them as they write. If you are one of those people, select a song or two that inspires you to write. Be sure it’s something you can listen to over and over. Perhaps you are one who prefers white noise or no noise, please feel free to surround yourself with an environment that makes you productive as a writer.
My favorite revisioning music includes Escala performing Palladio by Karl Jenkins.
Plan at least one whole day, if possible, that you will be completely uninterrupted. Yes, I know some of you have small children or others who depend on you for care. If you can’t get a whole day, you can’t. Do the best that you can. Make it the longest uninterrupted time period you can.
The Day Before
Prepare your writing space. Put your supplies where they are handy. Your notes in front of you and the paper and pens off to the side.
Read your notes and scene cards. Read them One Time Only. I mean it. You’re feeding your muse one last time. Find the story sentence you created for your story. Does it still say what you want your story to be about? If it does write it across the top of your first sheet of paper. Do not write anything else. If your mind/muse keeps bringing up ideas, tell it ‘that might be a good idea, keep working on it.’ And put it out of your mind for today. Put your notes and your manuscript away. You will not look at them again for a while. Get a good night’s sleep.
Revisioning Day
This is the day you’ve dedicated to completing the revisioning of your story. You’ve got your pen and paper, you fluids and snacks laid in, your notes in front of you, your music or white noise or silence going. Now is the time. Without looking at your notes, begin writing the outline of your story. Do not say no to any idea that flows onto your paper. Write fast. Do not worry about whether this outline is the same as your original. Just write. Ideally, you will finish your outline in one day. If you don’t, that’s all right, keep the interruptions to a minimum until you are finished. (For those of you who find handwriting difficult, do what is comfortable for you. This should be a pleasure, not painful.)
The New Outline
Written fast, the new outline will have some surprises for you. You may have thought of new scenes that sharpen the conflict or focus of your story. You may have some plot holes. Now you can compare your new outline with your scene cards. Study the two with an editorial eye. Decide which scenes will build the conflict, the story you’ve been dreaming of. Make certain the conflict builds, the pace builds, and your character faces a choice. Write new scene cards, matching your new outline. Does your story sentence still apply? If not, write a revised story sentence.
Your Project Bible
Once you have your revised outline, you need to create your Project Bible. Revising a novel is a long process. This is going to be your reference while you do your rewrite. It will help keep you organized and keep your details consistent.
Your Project Bible will have sections in it for each major character, for each location where your characters interact, any research or photos that you need to keep facts straight, and a timeline.
Character Section
In each character’s section, you will list physical attributes, habits, clothing preferences, pet’s names, backstory, and maybe even a family tree.
Location Section
In each location section, you will have a layout map of the location so that you can move your characters to that location consistently. In your layout use pictures or descriptions so you know what interiors look like from color to number and types of furniture, to where the squeak in the floor is. If it’s an outdoor location you may need to include a topographical map, lists, and photos of the flora and fauna that are indigenous to the area. Don’t forget to include all five senses in this section.
Research Section
Your research section will have the research you’ve done that keeps your story authentic. You may also want some of your favorite writing books on hand. Books like Story, Writing the Breakout Novel, or even Techniques of the Selling Writer can be handy inspiration or instruction.
Finally, your timeline section will have the timeline of your story and your story world. This may need to include the actual, historical timeline if you’re writing a historical novel. If you are writing a science fiction novel your Project Bible may need to include a section on science, religion, planets, or space travel vehicles. Add things to your Project Bible as you rewrite your novel and discover new details, characters, or locations.
It’s Time!
With your new outline, your new scene cards and your new Project notebook beside you, it’s time to begin the rewrite. Rewriting your novel will be an experience of joy and frustration, but trust the process. And no matter what, finish the rewrite. You will learn something about your writing, your writing process, and yourself that will be sure to be invaluable to you in your career.
If you haven’t been following this series. Please check out the first six posts on Re-visioning Your Story:
Lesson 1: Re-Visioning Your Story
Lesson 2: Are Your Character’s Goals Golden?
Lesson 3: Twist the Knife Slowly
Lesson 4: Do Your Characters Play Well With Others?
Lesson 5: As the Plot Turns
Lesson 6: Is There a Time and Place in Your Story?
Lesson 7: From the End to the Beginning
Thank You and Good Luck
And it’s the end of this series of posts. Thank you so much for hanging in there with me. And please, let me know if this has been helpful to you. Even if you don’t finish your rewrite for a year, stop by, tell me how it went. I’m rooting for you!
Do you use a revision process? Where is it similar and dissimilar from this one?
Lynette – I’m so glad I found this post and I’m very much looking forward to going back to the beginning of the series because I’m sure the earlier ones will be just as good. Thanks.
I’m glad you found the post helpful, Margaret. Be sure to note the references I quote. I’ve found them to be invaluable. Good luck with your writing!
This sounds a lot like Holly Lisle’s How to Revise Your Novel process – which I use, and is *awesome.* Except this stage of it takes me over a month. O_o Good tips here! Thanks for sharing.
Jennette, thanks. You are right, Holly Lisle’s course is absolutely awesome.
I borrowed from a number of writers’ how-to books, but I’m certain Holly’s course influenced me strongly. I tried very hard not to put anything from Holly in these posts that I could not find in another source as well.
I take a lot longer than a month to do my rewrites, too.
I’ve enjoyed each of these posts Lynnette and this one is a great addition to the series. thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your kind words and your support, Louise.
I love revisions.
It’s when the whole thing comes together. I liken it to layering and often work backwards at this point inserting events/breadcrumbs of events at the right time and place which tends to make people think I’m clever when in actual fact I’m not, lol!! And yes, it can take a lot longer than a month! I wish!
Great post, Lynnette
I have learned to love revision, Christine. You are so right, it is where it come comes together and it makes the writer look sooo good! Thanks for stopping by!
Wonderful advice, as always, Lynette! I love the notion of revisioning, as opposed to revising—so optimistic.
Thanks, August. I believe in the power of revisioning. It’s how to get a great story!
Very useful information Lynette. I am in the midst of this right now and appreciate your insight. Like August, I love your optimistic view calling it revisioning. Very nice.
Thanks so much, Debra. Good luck with your revisioning!