Not My Usual Friday Post

This isn’t my usual Friday post, but this has been an unusual past 24 hours. And, since I’m a last minute writer, there’s a certain price to be paid. But, I hope you don’t mind. I know I don’t.  I took C, my ten-year-old grandson, to see the live action Lion King yesterday afternoon. We… Continue reading Not My Usual Friday Post

What Is Bad Will Be Better Tomorrow

In my year-end review process I go through my old journals to get a sense of where I was last year and five years ago. It helps me to see what my goals were, what I’ve accomplished, and where my goals changed.  This year something I wrote five years ago, caught my attention. I don’t… Continue reading What Is Bad Will Be Better Tomorrow

20 Weird Things I’m Grateful For

The last day of November is here. Writers are scribbling words at a furious rate in a final push to win NANOWRIMO. Whether you “finished” or not, congrats to you. Your dedication is inspirational. Cuckoo, but inspirational. Speaking of Cuckoo, all November we hear about gratitude from every direction. Generally, the gratitude expressed is heartfelt… Continue reading 20 Weird Things I’m Grateful For