Too much or too little feedback can be harmful. You can manage feedback so that, like Goldilocks, you find the “just right” solution to your feedback needs.
Category: Writing
Crafting a Story with the Forces of Antagonism,Part Two
Using a high concept theory like Robert McKee’s Forces of Antagonism to frame a story isn’t easy. Let’s take a closer look at how I use it to develop a story.
the Indispensable NEW Companion to the Emotion Thesaurus!
#Writers, you’re in for a special treat today. I’m helping to get the word out about a new book and a HUGE giveaway Angela and Becca are running to celebrate!
The Frame of a Story: The Forces of Antagonism, Part One
I first came across the idea of forces of antagonism in Robert McKee’s book. No disrespect, but I didn’t get it. Until I re-worked it.
How Creatives Can Improve their Motivation: It Isn’t Magic
It can be a struggle to create when it’s not your full-time job—and sometimes, even when it is. Understand why you resist and how motivation works can help.