Happiness is an Awesome Reading Vacation

Readers read. That’s what we do–in the in-between moments of our lives that include things like earning wages, partners, children (two-legged and four-legged), homes, vehicles, and so on. I don’t know about you, but I never have enough time to read what I want to read. So I’ve been daydreaming and I’ve decided that happiness is an awesome reading vacation. 

Photo of a woman reading, on a dock with still water reflecting the sky and the  trees surrounding the lake, an awesome reading vacation for some.

What is an Awesome Reading Vacation?

A reading vacation is a time (days, weeks) when you devour as many stories as you can. Make sure these are books and stories you want to read. Don’t bring the books you should or kind of want to read.

You don’t have to go anywhere. A staycation can be wonderful. It might be fun to stay at a reader friend’s home. Go as rustic (tent) or as pampered (5-star hotel) as you wish and can afford.

Take it one step further. Go to a reader’s paradise. A location that would thrill your reader’s heart. Would you walk the paths trod by a beloved author? Maybe you want to trace the steps of a favorite character? You can choose to read in beautiful libraries or impressive bookstores. There’s no wrong answer.

Three on My Wish List

Hannibal, Missouri

Photograph of Mark Twains boyhood home and museum with sign identifying that the white fence behind it was Tom Sawyer's fence one place for an awesome reading vacation

 Hannibal is Mark Twain’s childhood home. The location inspired settings in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I’ll visit the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum and the Huckleberry Finn House among other landmarks when I need to stretch my legs between books. Bet you can’t guess which author I’ll be reading on this vacation.

Agatha Christie Tour

Bust of Agatha Christie on the Agatha Christie Mile in Torquay, England.

I love me some Agatha Christie. I couldn’t decide on one location, so I’ll visit them all. Let’s see… I’ll start with her birthplace, Torquay, England, and walk the Agatha Christie Mile. I’ll include Egypt and Turkey, too. Of course, I’ll re-read her books that are set in each location. What an awesome reading vacation that would be! 

The Ancients Tour

Greece. I am obsessed with mythology and Greece throughout the ages. To complete my literary obsession with the land, UNESCO awarded Athens the UNESCO World Book Capital for 2018.

When I’m in Athens, I’ll visit Zonar’s Cafe and read some Jorge Luis Borges, Lawrence Durrell, Evelyn Waugh and Henry Miller. (Don’t tell, but I’ll probably do some touristy things, too.)

Photograph of the Parthenon with tourist showing the immense scale. An awesome reading vacation might include reading on the steps of the Parthenon.

I’ll read Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis on Crete.

Homer’s Iliad calls for a side trip to Troy (which is in Turkey).

Then it’ll be the Odyssey on Ithaca. 


You know what? These locations have been on my list forever, but putting my “plans” in writing made me inordinately happy. Happy even though I can’t go there yet. Maybe a reading vacation isn’t your thing. You might enjoy an out of this world vacation. But for me, happiness is an awesome reading vacation. What would make an awesome reading vacation for you?

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