Today in furthering my discussion of time, I’m honoring Indigenous People’s Day. What has that to do with time, you ask? It’s time we honor our indigenous people not just with pictures but with time spent learning and honoring. They are people we have abused, misused, and ignored for far too long.
Did you expect pictures of Native American’s in their headgear or in teepees? This day needs to honor all Native American’s and not all Native American’s wore headdresses or slept in teepees. Learn more at the links below.
If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans. Stephen Hawking
Wikipedia describes what Indigenous People’s Day and how it came about.
If you think it’s about time we honor our indigenous people, check to see if your city has a plan to celebrate. Here is a list of cities and states that celebrate Indigenous People’s Day.
Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. Chief Seattle
Did you know there is a National Museum of the American Indians? Part of the Smithsonian Institution, the NMAI cares for one of the world’s most expansive collections of Native artifacts. There are three facilities: one on the National Mall in Washington D.C., The George Gustav Heye Center (GGHC) in New York City, and The Cultural Resources Center (CRC) in Suitland, Maryland.
The website for the NMAI includes a Did You Know page among many other interesting facts and pictures.
Time. Like a petal in the wind, Flows softly by.
As old lives are taken, New ones begin.
A continual chain, Which lasts throughout eternity.
Every life but a minute in time,
But each of equal importance. Cindy Cheney
10 Ways to Honor Indigenous People
Honoring a people or a race for the abuses they suffered and the contributions they’ve made to this nation, this earth, is not divisive. Acknowledgment of our differences and the things that make us the same is important. It’s something that every human being deserves. This article lists 10 ways to honor indigenous people.
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama
We are all different. And, we are all the same. It’s about time we honor our Indigenous People in America and in the world.