First Line Friday is a series of blog articles posted on the first Friday of every month. The first line of a story, we’re told, must hook the reader. Implied is that the reader will not buy the book if the first line isn’t great. For November, I thought I’d do something a little different… Continue reading Will You Buy These Books Featuring Indigenous People?
Tag: indigenous people
Where Is Your Outrage?
Equality. As one of America’s founding principles, it seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? In definition, it is simple. It is the state or quality of being alike in value. It should also be simple in practice. But often we humans don’t agree on what alike or what value is. For example, there is a national… Continue reading Where Is Your Outrage?
How Many Indigenous People Do You Think America Has?
It will soon be Indigenous Peoples Day. Think you know about our Native Americans? How many indigenous people do you think America has?