When I started writing the Fellowship Dystopia series, it was fun shifting reality into fiction. Today the shift appears to be going the other way.
Category: Opinion
Blog posts by author Lynette M. Burrows expressing her opinion or exploring her opinion or the opinions of others.
Where Is Your Outrage?
Equality. As one of America’s founding principles, it seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? In definition, it is simple. It is the state or quality of being alike in value. It should also be simple in practice. But often we humans don’t agree on what alike or what value is. For example, there is a national… Continue reading Where Is Your Outrage?
Freedom is Under Attack
Freedom is under attack. Not by enemies, but by our neighbors. The Texas law banning abortion is the worst kind of law. Not just because it denies women the right to make decisions about their own bodies, their own lives, but because it invites neighbors, friends, and family to turn on each other. That is… Continue reading Freedom is Under Attack
Are You an Anti-Strong Female Protagonist Protester?
Have you read the protests? Did you nod your head and agree? Are you Anti-Strong Female Protagonist? You say you’re not against strong female characters, you’re against the label, the marketing term. Perhaps you’ve overlooked the reasons we need book and movie categories for strong female characters. Consider rethinking and rephrasing your argument. Yes, there… Continue reading Are You an Anti-Strong Female Protagonist Protester?
Will You Help Forge a Gender Equal World?
It takes hard work to forge a gender equal world. International Women’s Day reminds us that gender has been used to justify abuse for centuries.