I am an independent author-publisher. I love what I do. But there are things I wish I knew before I published.
Tag: writing advice
Re-visioning Again
This post is directing you back to an eight-week blog post series I wrote a long while ago. It’s my version of revising your manuscript. I call it re-visioning.
Greek for a Day
What do you do when you want to travel abroad but can’t afford the time or expense? If you want to go to Greece or learn about Greece for a work-in-progress (I wouldn’t know who was doing that). You go to a Greek Food Festival and become a Greek for a day. Waiting in line… Continue reading Greek for a Day
Putting the Pieces Together
Part 8: Revisioning Your Story Wow. It’s been a long haul, but you’ve analyzed your story for seven long lessons, from Character Goals to Plot Twists to the End and the Beginning. Now it’s time for putting the pieces together. Finally, it’s time to fix it. What? You’re worried that you can’t fix it or… Continue reading Putting the Pieces Together