The spirit of past posts is visiting, much like The Ghost of Christmas Past. The GOCP is a fictional character from Charles Dickens’ 1843 novella A Christmas Carol. It is one of three spirits to visit the miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, and offer him a chance at redemption. Hopefully, few of us need redemption. In the spirit of winter celebrations and all that means, come along with me and visit a few of my old blog posts of past Decembers.
December Celebrations
While I celebrate Christmas, I know no everyone does. But there are a lot of celebrations and holidays in December. Some sources say there are more than 100. So you probably observe at least one holiday during this month.
I blogged about holidays in the first week, second week, third week, and fourth week of the month back in 2017.
Holiday Stress
Holiday stress is a real thing. The holiday that brings you stress may not be Christmas, but holiday expectations and costs, losses and desires, and all the in-you-face commercial exploitation of the holiday can lead to nearly unbearable stress.
One of my more popular posts speaks to how deeply holidays can affect people who are Alone for the Holidays. A certain Thanksgiving here in the US inspired the original post, but obviously there are many people for whom holidays are lonely and painful.
(And, yes. Holidays can still be difficult for me, but time passes and I’ve learned how to sit with my grief better.)
If you’re Depressed for the Holidays, I hope you’ll read some of the lighter suggestions I offered in 2019. And if you are deeply depressed, please, please get help. You matter.
In a lighter vein, I offered a few ways to Treat Your Holiday Stress with Laughter in 2018 and I wrote Holiday Stress Stirs Your Perfect Storm in 2021.
Women who Made History in December
I am always fascinated by women in history who pushed the boundaries of their time and culture. That’s why I post a brief biography once a month.
Last year, I shared December Moments for and by Strong Women. In it, I highlighted fifty moments in history, from 1660 to 2020, held by women around the world.
Holiday Science
![Photograph of a christmas tree full of ornaments and colored lights](
Since I celebrate Christmas in part by putting up a Christmas tree, I took a quick dive into how science is helping Christmas tree growers cultivate better trees in 2020. I wondered if there might be unforeseen consequences to mixing science and traditions.
Holiday Quotes
I use inspirational quotes to help guide and motivate me. So in 2018 I offered Quotes in the Spirit of Christmas. As those quotes were solely about Christmas, I thought I’d offer a few quotes about some of the other December holidays.
This is the season when people of all faiths and cultures are pushing back against the planetary darkness. We string bulbs, ignite bonfires, and light candles. And we sing.”—Anita Diamant
At this time of year, when the sun is most hidden, the holiday of Hanukkah celebrates the rays of hope and light. Often, it is through simple and unrecognized miracles that we are able to feel the warmth of hope and light.”—Rafael Goldstein
Ghosts of Winters Past
How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?“—Dr. Seuss
I hope you enjoyed this visit of past winter holiday blogs. More than that I hope you have a peaceful and safe end of the year.
Please share your favorite December quote in the comments.
Top image purchased from DepositPhotos.
Second image by Lynette M. Burrows