It is the end of the month and time for me to report what progress I’ve made. For those who are unfamiliar with my progress reports, I divide my to-do list into four “buckets.” My writing business includes three: Making (or the actual writing), Managing (all the detailed work that supports my writing), and Marketing. From May Day to Memorial Day, it was a busy month.
My home remodeling project seems to grow bigger and more complex by the day. This month also brought birthdays, Mother’s Day, the end of the school year, and a three-day holiday. Those life events I wouldn’t miss interrupt my normal routines. While I am normalizing my routines, I have not yet hit a consistent routine since my husband died.
Instead of goals or resolutions, I use intentions. You can miss a goal. You probably break most resolutions. But an intention is a focus. When life gets in the way of your plan, take care of that event or disturbance, intending to return to your primary plan. Every morning begins with a renewed intention.
During the past year, I’ve also heard the word “target” used instead of goals. That’s another word that allows flexibility for life events. You aim for the target and get as close to it as possible. If you miss your target, you keep aiming at it until you hit it consistently.
Though I remain a last-minute blogger, I kept up with the weekly blog posts and my monthly newsletter.
I’m pleased to report that I’ve written more words than in April. Yay! Most of those words were on my current WIP, And When I Wake, book three in the Fellowship Dystopia Series. Double yay! If you want a more detailed report and a sneak peek, join my newsletter which will also give you news, information, and free flash fiction to read.
The Managing umbrella includes maintaining and updating my website. Making certain I have enough supplies goes into this bucket. So does improving my business and craft through learning opportunities, and taking part in online and live events.
This month, I’ve tweaked bits and pieces of my website. My intention is to create a website readers want to visit.
Preparing for the local science fiction convention is an in-progress portion of Managing. I will be on a few panels at ConQuest (June 2-4) and my books will be on sale at Weird Sisters Publishing‘s table in the dealers’ room. I’d be happy to sign your copy while I’m there.
I am delighted that my book, My Soul to Keep, was chosen as one of KOBO’s Great Books to Read campaign. They featured it in their ads during the last two weeks of May.
I’ve learned a lot about marketing in the past year. Book sales continue to grow slowly. Asking for reviews of my books is difficult and awkward for me, but they are vital tool to attract readers searching for books like mine. Culling, maintaining, and creating new ads requires a significant amount of my time.
I was delighted to spend time with two of my grandsons this month. Thanks to C for helping me weed the front flower garden!
We celebrated my daughter-in-law’s birthday. Despite a snafu at the bakery that created the wrong cake, the birthday cake was delicious.
The home front continues to be dominated by renovations. Installed by my son, my new back door looks great and has already reduced my heating and cooling bills.
I’m stripping years of paint, texturing, and wallpapering from a wall in my living room. Surprise, surprise! Under the paint, texture, and two layers of wallpaper, I discovered an exposed electrical box with live wires covered in electrical tape.
While I wait for my son to have time to trace those wires and cap them off safely, I’m working other areas of the wall.
Going Forward
Balancing the writing work and the home remodeling is an ongoing struggle, but I’m closing in on finishing the big stuff. I will continue prepping the walls of my living and dining room space and intend to get to painting the ceiling.
I’m looking forward to ConQuest where I’ll see some of you and many friends I haven’t seen during the pandemic years.
My intentions are to write the first draft of And When I Wake as quickly as possible. That means I need to get three or more chapters finished in June.
Of course, I’ll continue blogging and sending out my monthly newsletter.
I am forever thankful that I get to do this thing that I love and for readers like you who “get” what I’m trying to say.
Remembering & Honoring

Memorial Day in the United States is a day to look back and honor the sacrifice of American service members who died in the line of duty. We must remember that an American comes in many skin colors, ethnicities, genders, and beliefs. I cannot list them all but wish to salute the women, the Native Americans, the Blacks, the Hispanics, and all the “others” who served and died for this country.
It’s also a day to remember the families who made massive sacrifices too and forever lost a loved one.
While it sounds like “the words we’re supposed to say,” I say thank you for their service. I am deeply touched by the sacrifices they made to serve our country and will always remember that many died so that I can be here today.
Thank you.
Image Credits
Top juggler image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay
Final Image by Keturah Moller from Pixabay
Wow! You accomplished a lot in May! And you didn’t even mention how you brightened up your friend’s day several times this month.