Dementia. Alzheimers. Those are two scary words. Many people think they know what dementia is. What Alzheimers is. They use the terms synonymously. Alzheimers is the most common one, but it is not the only dementia. Over the last month we’ve been talking about memory. In my post “What Do You Remember and How” you…… Continue reading Think You Know What Dementia Is?
Tag: Alzheimers
What Do You Remember and How?
What do you remember and how do you remember one thing and your sibling something else? Human memory is complex. Let’s explore how human memory works.
Flash Fiction: All Systems Nominal
Flash fiction comes in all lengths. The very best flash fiction has character, conflict, and plot. For me, flash fiction is all about mood. I hope you enjoy my flash fiction, “All Systems Nominal.” All Systems Nominal by Lynette M. Burrows The soft whirring sound of M.A.R.C., the best medical assistive robotic caregiver money could…… Continue reading Flash Fiction: All Systems Nominal