We’re all busy, right? We juggle pets, children, spouses, chores, jobs, and more. So how does one make time for learning and personal growth?
Tag: podcasts
Story Time Reviews “Kin”
Story Time Reviews remembers that special time when an adult reads to a child and recognizes that as a grown-up, we need to reward ourselves with a story time now and then. I’m reviving this blog series that offers reviews of stories read aloud. Today Story Time Reviews “Kin” by Bruce McAllister read on “LeVar… Continue reading Story Time Reviews “Kin”
Do You Discuss Dystopias In The Making
Sometimes the well goes dry. When this happens to a creative, she must refill the well. This creative turns to informational podcasts (among other things). Recently I discovered a podcast of absolute golden inspiration for lovers of dystopian stories. The Good Code discusses dystopias in the making. Chine Labbe is the host of the Good… Continue reading Do You Discuss Dystopias In The Making
Story Time Reviews: A Japanese Fairy Tale
Story Time Reviews a Japanese Fairy Tale told on the Myths and Legends podcast, episode 161 titled Japanese Folk Lore: Karma.
Listen & Learn: Science and History Podcasts
Science and History podcasts are a fun, easy-to-digest way of learning. I’ve mentioned before that I love podcasts. Lately, I’ve listened to fewer because I no longer have a commute. But I try to listen to at least one of the science and history podcasts. They are always fascinating. I always learn some new detail.… Continue reading Listen & Learn: Science and History Podcasts