It’s been an exhausting month so far (and Thanksgiving is yet to come!) I’ve been elbows to @$$holes with plumbing issues and caregiving and buying a wheelchair van AND continuing to write. It’s 6:30 pm CST Thursday and I don’t have a blog post for Friday morning. I have to ask myself, “Are we having fun?”
Plumbing issues
You can read a bit about my plumbing issues in my post, Life is Like Plumbing. Do I enjoy plumbing problems or fixing plumbing problems? Hmm. Not really. And yet…
As long as you’re having fun, that’s the key. The moment it becomes a grind, it’s over.
Barry Gibb
Learning Tons
Buying a wheelchair van has been stressful. I did a lot of research. Who knew there were different conversions? Different ways to enter the van? Not to mention the different vans with installed conversions. Do the tie downs come with the van? Is it ADA compliant? Is that important? So many things to learn, an overwhelming amount. And a lot of fear. We’re retired, on a limited income, how can we afford it? Can we qualify for a loan? And yet…

Missed Goals
My word count has suffered. I haven’t met my goals most days this month. I was feeling down. And yet…
I think that success is having fun.
Bruno Mars
Are We Having Fun?
I watched a video of a presentation at a writer’s conference I couldn’t attend. The speaker, an author, spoke about attitude. He spoke about nine points. All were good. The second point he mentioned was: Is it fun? If it isn’t, why do it, he asked.
So I asked myself, are we having fun?
And the Answer Is…
Yes. A resounding yes.
I’m doing exactly what I want to do, and I’m having fun doing it. David Johansen
I don’t always get to do exactly do what I want to do, but you know what?
The joy I felt working with my son on the plumbing was real. And every day I turn on the faucet and have great water pressure and flow? Pure joy and gratefulness.
The challenge of researching and learning about wheelchair vans nearly beat me. But I persevered. And when the right vehicle came along, I knew it was the right vehicle. And when the bank and the dealership had questions, I knew how to answer. Pride. Joy. And oh my gosh, this vehicle will make life a lot easier.
And when I stepped back and thought about the writing. Do I enjoy it? Heck, yeah! I get a great deal of joy and satisfaction out of writing. I’m so very grateful that I can do it. And you know what? When I looked at my word count, I’ve exceeded last month’s word counts and the word count for November 2018. Not too shabby.
Why Do We Care?
Why am I sharing this? Because we all get caught up in the shoulds and the could haves. But when we do, we’re focusing on the wrong thing. Focus on having fun.
Need Help To Find the Fun?

Here are a few posts that might help:
Why You Need More Fun in Your Life
8 Ways to Make Your Life More Fun
How to Have More Fun In Life: Keep Your Thoughts from Pulling You Down
Ask Yourself
Do you ask yourself, “Are we having fun?” Are there times when your answer is no? What did you do to turn it around?