Organ Farms In Space

Space. The Final Frontier. Not a human friendly environment. Star Trek voyagers didn’t have to worry about injuries in space. They had a miraculous medical lab. We may not have that medical lab yet, but we’re getting there. The experiments may be small today, but someday we may have organ farms in space. Yes, we’ve…… Continue reading Organ Farms In Space

It’s Not Just the Oceans that Need a Cleanup

Garbage. It’s a familiar, man-made problem. On land and in the oceans. But it’s not just the land and the oceans that need a cleanup. Garbage is an orbital problem. NASA Image of the Day for September 12, 2009 A Growing Problem Accompanying the September 12, 2009 NASA Image of the Day (above) was a…… Continue reading It’s Not Just the Oceans that Need a Cleanup

Would You Like to be a Space Tourist?

There is getting away from it all and soon there will be opportunities for getting 240 miles above it all. That’s right. Soon you can be a space tourist. The First Orbital Vacation SpaceX says tourists will ride its rockets late this year or early next. SpaceX is the corporation behind the first successful commercial…… Continue reading Would You Like to be a Space Tourist?

A New Skin. Will You Wear It?

The army deployed Susan thousands of miles from home. Her three-year-old son misses her. On their once-a-week video call, he cries when he hears her voice. She rubs his back and calms him. How did she do that? Biotechnology. A new skin. Will you wear it? The First Attempts For years, scientists, technology experts, and DIYers…… Continue reading A New Skin. Will You Wear It?