Do You Need a Distraction?

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to step back from 24 hour roller coaster of Corona Virus News. Not that I don’t understand the significance and the scale of this thing. But my brain and my emotions need a break. I need a distraction—Do you need a distraction too? Music? Learn? Read on. I’ve distractions a plenty.

photo of rubiks cube--do you need a distraction? This might drive you to distraction

Up Beat Sing-Along

Long time readers know I love music. It’s my go-to stress reliever. Here are four songs and lyrics that will lift your spirits. Belt it out. You’ll feel better.

Que Sera Sera—Doris Day

Uptown Funk—Bruno Mars

Bob Marley – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Mary Poppins (1964) – “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” 

Ear Worms

Your family won’t let you sing out loud? Sic these ear worms on them. You’ll all be singing.

Witch Doctor – Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing—David Seville

Call me Maybe—Carly Rae Jepsen

Living La Vida Loca—Ricky Martin

Shake It Off—Taylor Swift

Banana Boat Song–Harry Bellefonte


For those of you who want to laugh at the Corona virus, here are four parodies that I thought you might enjoy.

Do Not Go (“Let It Go” Corona Parody)

Hands washing Hands — Neil Diamond

Put a Mask On Your Face—Benny Benack III

My Corona—Chris Mann


Perhaps music is just noise to you. But you need a distraction still, don’t you? Try listening to these stories.

Shakespeare—Patrick Stewart

The Winds of Harmattan—LeVar Burton

Three Science Fiction Stories by Fritz Leiber—Librivox

 Or check out my one of my story time reviews that link to stories read aloud. Try the one about a Japanese Fairy Tale or Operation Haystack.

Other Distractions

Check out my Pinterest Boards. Of course, I’m not the only one there. Search for your favorite author or artist or topic.

Here are some quotes that may help soothe anxiety and stress.

Don’t forget to check out TED Talks for topics you’re interested in.

Image of man fishing off a pier you need distraction--try fishing

And you don’t have to go online. What about that jigsaw puzzle in the bottom of your closet? Play a game of Old Maid or work a book of crossword puzzles.

The Need for Distraction

In uncertain times being frightened, anxious, or just plain emotional is normal. But it’s also exhausting. Take care of yourselves. Give yourself permission to do something fun or silly or creative. You need a distraction or two or three… I need some too. What have you found that helps you?


  1. Getting outdoors and walking in our woods helps me – and yes, I know how very lucky we are to have that, especially now that it’s finally stopped raining. Enjoy your distractions and stay safe!

    1. You are lucky, especially because of how beautiful your woods are! Thanks for reading, Jennette. You stay safe and well, too.

  2. Unfortunately, I’m having difficulty finding time for diversions. I come up for air every once in a while to catch the news (I fast-forward through the Orange One and mostly want to know about the weather), but I’m simultaneously trying to manage family things from self-isolation, clean out the household storage room that used to be my library (there are still books in there, if I can get to them), post blog posts, catch up my 2019 bookkeeping so we can file taxes, help my cover artist wrap her head around toroidal space station interior perspective, and finish publishing my latest book. Oh, yes, and write. Whew! Now that I have no reasons to leave the house, I seem to have all kinds of reasons to tackle things I’ve been putting off . . . (Watch out! It’s a trap!).

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