I’ve read many books and short stories, particularly science fiction, though I read almost anything. My book reviews express my personal interpretations of the story. Your interpretations of the same books may be quite different. Feel free to add your opinions in the comments for these posts.
What is a Review?
There is a thing called a Literary Review, a summary of scholarly sources about a particular topic. That is definitely not what I do for this blog.
Because I am a writer, I look at different things in a story than a reader who doesn’t write fiction. Readers have opinions about books they read, too. They should. Feel free to write one of any book you’ve read.
Where? Usually the best place is where you bought the book. But, if you’ve been gifted a book or borrowed one from the library you can review the book on a site like Goodreads, LibraryThing, or Bookbub.
If you want a how-to-write reviews, you can’t go wrong following the advice of Reedsy. But the truth is, a review can be extremely simple. I liked this book, is a review. As long as you don’t review a book you haven’t read, there is no wrong way to review a book.
Book Reviews
A Wrinkle in Time: the Movie that Wasn’t
Top Ten Science Fiction Novels I Love to Re-Read
Going to Mars: Word by Word
In the spirit of exploration (pun intended) and in celebration of the landing of Curiosity, I wrote a series of posts reviewing books set on or about Mars.
- Going to Mars Word by Word
- Mars, Word by Word: A Princess of Mars
- Going To Mars Word By Word – Northwest Smith
- Going to Mars Word by Word: C.S. Lewis style
- Going to Mars, Word by Word: Bradbury and Unintended Consequences
- Going to Mars Word by Word with an Optimistic Knight
- Going to Mars Word By Word via a Time Slip
- Going to Mars Word by Word with Man Plus
- Going to Mars Word-by-Word Bear Style
- Going to Mars Word by Word With Kim Stanley Robinson
- Going to Mars Word-by-Word, the Landis Way
Story Time Reviews
Instead of book reviews in 2019, I began posting reviews of short stories read aloud. I call this series Story Time Reviews. I hope you enjoy them and that you listen to some of these stories.
- Story Time Reviews Ray Bradbury
- “The Land of Dreams,” a Story Time Review
- Story Time Reviews H. Beam Piper
- Story Time Reviews “The Last Question”
I hope you enjoy these book reviews and short story reviews. Stories are chosen randomly. Often, the story is one I’ve had on my TBR list for a while. Did you find stories to add to your to-be-read pile? Or did you find stories to avoid?