I had intended to blog about Halloween quotes and traditions this week, but the recent tragedies in the U.S. changed my mind. People are hurting and grieving and scared. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate Halloween. It means that many people are overwhelmed at this horrid turn of events. I’m overwhelmed. But there’s a way to beat back the overwhelming emotions. In a world of peril, create. Create love, create art, create a pie (pumpkin anyone?), create hope.
Love is evident everywhere in this time of grief and fear. It was in the police officers who got shot trying to stop the violence. It’s in the grieving loved ones feel. Shared sorrow is borne out of love of your fellow man. Vowing to support those who are being persecuted, hunted, and harmed—is a form of love.
This doesn’t mean don’t be angry. Hate what happened. Hate the fear and abuse and hatred. But if you choose to hate a single person or group of persons you are no different than the people who killed or tried to kill people they hate. Hate begets hate.
Take comfort in the outpouring of love. Give love. Love the helpers, the grieving, the victims. Support and comfort them. Giving love will give you a measure of comfort, too.
Despite the horrific actions of a few, I believe Anne Frank was right. The majority of people are really good at heart. Believe in the goodness of others. Don’t put yourself into harm’s way, but don’t “shelter in place” forever. Don’t give up! Let the good people in. Notice and nurture the good people around you. Believe in hope.
Why? Destruction and creation are yin and yang. Creating something will swing the balance away from destruction. Sometimes destruction can be a good thing such as destroying an unsafe bridge. Destruction often is a bad thing, but good things come out of it. People helping other people. Rebuilding a better, stronger place. In a world of peril, create.
I am a writer, so I create stories out of words. I have friends who create art. Other friends knit, sew clothing and costumes, make music, turn iron into beautiful signs and wall hangings, create heavenly food, or make jewelry. Some people create a healthy body. There are people who create a happy family, build buildings, put a jigsaw puzzle together, and so many more creative activities. Your creation doesn’t need to be large or extravagant or perfect. Whatever your special creative talent is, use it now. Balance your world. For when you balance your part of the world you restore a little hope. And hope becomes a beacon for others.
Out of Love
So when the destructive forces of the world overwhelm you, when in a world of peril, create. Be a beacon of hope, create something out of love. Out of love, be the change you want to see happen. Create it. Make your world, and mine, a better place.