Almost 9,000 years ago, ancient Chinese fermented rice, honey, and fruit. Ancient Egyptians dared to use yeast for leavened bread in 1000 BC. On the other side of the world, Aztecs made cakes with Spirulina algae. What do these foods and beverages have in common? It’s doubtful that any of these ancient peoples understood the… Continue reading A Cool Blend of Science and Technology
Tag: technology
Do You Dream of the Jetson Life?
What futuristic program(s) have you watched and wondered what life will be like that someday? As a science fiction writer, I can’t help but do that. I dream of the Jetson life. I’ve longed for the Jetson’s flying car and robots and a technology-filled home since I first watched the cartoon. Sadly, we’ve not come… Continue reading Do You Dream of the Jetson Life?
13 Things For Which I Give Thanks
I give thanks for many things. This week of gratitude would not be complete without listing these in particular. FAMILY INCLUDING GRANDCHILDREN Near and Far (in no particular order of preference or date) FURRY FAMILY FRIENDS Imagine YOUR photograph here. You thought I’d try to put in photos of all my friends? I love you… Continue reading 13 Things For Which I Give Thanks
Is Technology Clouding Your Ethics?
Technology allows us to do many wonderful things. But is technology clouding your ethics? That’s what the Trichordist addresses in his June 18th post.