In This Month of Love-Love Nature

It’s February, love is in the air, and Valentine’s Day will soon be here. But you can’t truly love anyone one else if you don’t love yourself, first. (See my post In This Month of Love—Love Yourself). Chances are you have a nature-deficit and you’re suffering for it. If you love yourself, love nature and… Continue reading In This Month of Love-Love Nature

The Special Effects of the Sky: Thunder and Lightning

It’s May in Kansas which means the special effects of the sky: thunder and lightning get a workout. Thunderstorms affect us in a powerful, emotional way. Our response to thunder and lightning shows up in everyday speech, in literature, and on the weather channel. Below is a collection of facts and fantasy all about thunder… Continue reading The Special Effects of the Sky: Thunder and Lightning

13 Things For Which I Give Thanks

I give thanks for many things. This week of gratitude would not be complete without listing these in particular. FAMILY INCLUDING GRANDCHILDREN Near and Far (in no particular order of preference or date) FURRY FAMILY FRIENDS Imagine YOUR photograph here. You thought I’d try to put in photos of all my friends? I love you… Continue reading 13 Things For Which I Give Thanks