Don’t wait for the lightning bolt. Learn what creative instincts are, how to recognize, trust, and use them to live your best creative life.
Category: Creativity
Do More than Survival with a Brilliant Me Revival
Sometimes the lack of focus isn’t because you don’t know how to focus, it’s that you’ve depleted your focus energy. You need a Me Revival.
Build Your Focus Enhancing Toolbox
The “don’t wanna” is strong in me today. I’m distracted by every little thing, every muscle twitch, the silent house, the lyrics of music, noises outside my home, Facebook, the television, everything except the nearly completed manuscript, the blog post due tomorrow, and finishing the cutting in paint job that will lead to completion of… Continue reading Build Your Focus Enhancing Toolbox
The Pervasive Myth of the Creativity Cliff
Many people firmly believe you will have your best creative early on. After that, your creativity drops like an anvil off a cliff.
The Goldilocks Solution to Too Much or Too Little Feedback
Too much or too little feedback can be harmful. You can manage feedback so that, like Goldilocks, you find the “just right” solution to your feedback needs.