In this Month of Love-Love Life

Has life got you down? Do you slog through the week then your weekend gets swallowed in should-do, must-do, and honey-do? Have you lost that loving feeling? In this month of love put the love back into your life—no silly, not that love. You can get through almost anything if you love life. 

A rainbow and quote. "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Oscar Wilde

Ah, but how do you rekindle such a love? 

How do you love life? Connect with it again. 

No one ever finds life worth living – one has to make it worth living.

– Winston Churchill

Make your life worth living by reconnecting with what you love.

Touch with love—

Touch someone you love. Run your fingers through the hair or skin or lips of your loved one. Feel the messages that touch sends to your body. Touch is a powerful connector, without it we feel unloved.

Listen with Love—

Hear the tone of your loved one’s voice or laugh. Notice how your favorite music affects your pulse, your muscles, your attitude. Listen to the wind or to chimes or to laughter. Do you feel the lift that listening with love gives you?

Try a Taste—

Taste something you’ve eaten all your life and let yourself reconnect to it with memories or images. Savor a bite of your favorite food. How does your tongue respond? 

Sniff a Scent—

Smell your favorite aromas—living plants if possible, perfumes or candles or bubble baths. Immerse yourself in the scents you love. What does your body do when you take in that aroma?

Feel a Texture—

Dig your fingers into your favorite sweater or coat or the fur of an animal—close your eyes and feel it from your fingertips to your toes.

Add Color—

Look for colors you love in nature and in the rooms you occupy. Wear the colors you love. Makes you feel more alive, doesn’t it?

Take a Deep Breath—

of fresh air. Inhale fully, taste and smell and allow that energy inside you.

Look at the Stars—

How big and wonderful our planet and universe is. Feel humbled or small then let yourself reach for those stars, become one with them. Fill yourself with stars and planets and nebulas.


Choose something from your childhood—hopscotch, jump rope, Candyland…and play. Make funny faces. Do silly animal imitations. Skip down the sidewalk. Be irresponsible for an hour or a day. Have fun. Notice how your body feels, how energy electrifies you. 


like no one is watching. Watch your favorite comedy or comedian. Read a joke book. Give great big belly laughs. No one is watching. And if they are, who cares? You’re having a grand time. 

Photograph of houses silhouetted on sunset. "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln

In this month of love, remember all the forms of love. Love Yourself. Love Nature. Love One Another. And..

Love Life—

Life’s short and sometimes hard. Take time to re-invigorate yourself. Embrace life and all its wonders. Feed yourself all that you love. Love life. You deserve it. 


  1. “Do you slog through the week then your weekend gets swallowed in should-do, must-do, and honey-do?”

    Oh man, that seems like the story of my life lately. Maybe just because I’ve been working on taxes, but still… yes. These are all good reminders and worthwhile things to do. Thanks!

    1. Jennette, I think we all get caught in the shoulds and musts and honey-do chores from time-to-time. I hope your burdens ease up or at least that you can use of few of the things in this post and recharge. Thanks for reading.

  2. “Love Life—
    Life’s short and sometimes hard. Take time to re-invigorate yourself. Embrace life and all its wonders. Feed yourself all that you love. Love life. You deserve it.”

    I think if you have a love for life, loving other things will naturally occur. If you love life, you’re a positive person. You look for the best qualities in others and have an appreciation to the wonderful things that surround you.

    Great post Lynette! I am so sorry to have not been by sooner. I have been totally absent in the blogging world. And it’s been haunting me forever. Hope to see you soon!!

    1. I’m delighted to see you here again, Karen. Of course, you’re right. If you love life loving other things occur without thinking about it. Don’t be haunted by not being on the blogs as much, dear. Take care of business, live your life then, if there’s time stop by once in a while. I’m honored you chose to stop here. Thanks!

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