Celebrate Filipino American History Month

Did you know that October is Filipino American History Month? It is celebrated in October because the first recorded Filipinos landed on U.S soil on October 18, 1587. Yes, they arrived on the west coast before Christopher Columbus saw any portion of the Americas. You didn’t know? That’s why you should celebrate Filipino American History…… Continue reading Celebrate Filipino American History Month

Where Is Your Outrage?

Equality. As one of America’s founding principles, it seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? In definition, it is simple. It is the state or quality of being alike in value. It should also be simple in practice. But often we humans don’t agree on what alike or what value is. For example, there is a national…… Continue reading Where Is Your Outrage?

Happiness is an Awesome Reading Vacation

Readers read. That’s what we do–in the in-between moments of our lives that include things like earning wages, partners, children (two-legged and four-legged), homes, vehicles, and so on. I don’t know about you, but I never have enough time to read what I want to read. So I’ve been daydreaming and I’ve decided that happiness…… Continue reading Happiness is an Awesome Reading Vacation

On Memorial Day Remember Women Who Made the Final Sacrifice

The practice of honoring those who have fallen in battle dates back to ancient Greeks and Romans. This Memorial Day enjoy your holiday, but also take a moment to remember women who made the final sacrifice as well as all the men who’ve died in military service for our country. Continuing with this blog’s tradition…… Continue reading On Memorial Day Remember Women Who Made the Final Sacrifice