Inspirational random acts of love are often an act of selflessness too. It’s sad that we need this kind of inspiration. Unfortunately, in the hustle-and-bustle of our daily routines it’s easy to get caught up in our own needs. Fortunately, there are people who perform small acts of love and kindness that inspire us to pay it forward.

This is the second of this month’s exploration of Random acts of Love (read the first one here.)
The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth
The Beginning
According to Wikipedia, the phrase “practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty” was written by Anne Herbert on a placemat in Sausalito, California in 1982
Today, if you do an internet search for “random acts of kindness” you’ll find dozens of articles identifying inspirational random acts of love for one’s fellow man. One such article, 10 Acts of Kindness by Strangers Around the World, appears on the National Geographic website. The article tells of a traveler touring the Ring of Kerry in Ireland. When her car broke down, many locals stopped to help. In Australia, a toy gifted to a boy came with a catch—that the boy pay it forward with an act of kindness to someone else.

On the website Little Things, 25 Random Acts of Kindness includes a story about the employees who repaired a veteran’s wheelchair when it broke in the hardware store.

Personal Experience
Recently, exhausted after helping my handicapped husband in and out of the car for four back-to-back appointments I struggled to keep going. Too tired to think about cooking a healthy meal, we went to a favorite restaurant. When we returned to the car, I helped my husband into the passenger seat and folded his wheelchair to put in the back of my Suzuki Aerio. I could barely lift the chair. A gentleman standing outside the restaurant talking with his friends came over and said, “Let me help.” He hoisted the wheelchair easily into my car. “Thank you,” I said. “You’re very kind.” And off I drove. But his act of kindness, of love for his fellow human being—me, will stay in my heart forever.
A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money.
John Ruskin
What it Takes
All it takes is a little thought. It doesn’t have to cost money. Open a door for someone. If someone is wearing something that catches your eye, give that person a compliment. It takes so little to brighten someone else’s day. In performing small acts of love and kindness, you’ll feel brighter and want to do it again. And—you’ll inspire someone to pay it forward with their own random acts of love.
Why Take Part in Random Acts of Love
When I pontificate, it sounds so, you know, Oh, well, she’s preaching. I’m not preaching, but I think maybe I learned it from my animal friends. Kindness and consideration of somebody besides yourself. I think that keeps you feeling young. I really do.
Betty White
If anyone knows how to feel young despite her age, it’s Betty White. I agree with her, it keeps you feeling young. And it almost always puts a smile on your face.
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our time in this world is limited. Why not enrich your life by being kind to someone else? Your inspirational random act of love and kindness can be contagious. What random act of love have you received or performed? What’s your plan to continue doing random acts of love and kindness?