For the past two weeks, my life has been an adventure in plumbing. Over the years, the plumbing in my old house had filled with the debris of years and years of water flowing through old black pipe. The flow of hot water to my kitchen sink had decreased to a trickle. And when my… Continue reading Life is Like Plumbing
Tag: lessons
Conflict: Twist the Knife Slowly
Conflict: Week 3 of Re-visioning Your Story Violence is not Conflict. It is not action. It is not bickering, or worry, or dreams, or traveling. Unfortunately, many seasoned and novice writers mistake one or all of those things for conflict. Why is conflict so difficult for the writer? Because human beings naturally shy away from… Continue reading Conflict: Twist the Knife Slowly
Lessons from 2017 & Strategies for 2018
Instead of resolutions why not look back at lessons from 2017 and apply strategies from those lessons to next year? Learn how Lynette M Burrows did it.