Is The Self-Sabotage Strong in You?

You’re a creative. Yet, something’s not working. Call it writer’s block or a funk, or whatever. It is keeping you from taking the next step in your current work. Maybe you can work, but oh-so-slowly. When that happens, you need to ask yourself a question. Is the self-sabotage strong in you? What is Self-Sabotage? Any… Continue reading Is The Self-Sabotage Strong in You?

13 Ways to Be Creative When You Feel Unimaginative

You are a creative but when you sit down to create you go blank. What do you do? All creatives have bad days. Sometimes a string of bad days. Do you have a toolbox of ways to be creative when you feel unimaginative? Read on for 13 ways to be creative when you feel unimaginative.… Continue reading 13 Ways to Be Creative When You Feel Unimaginative

Procrastination, a Writer’s Tool

Procrastination is my middle name. Okay, not really. Some people would say I have writer’s block. I disagree. Procrastination is a writer’s tool. Or it can be. Writer’s Block vs Tool About a year ago I wrote a post about writer’s block and how its individual. Each writer who experiences it gets their own individual… Continue reading Procrastination, a Writer’s Tool

Writer’s Block Is Not The End

Writer’s block. Feared and mocked and denied and suffered, it happens. It can be debilitating. But writer’s block is not the end. Some writers say they don’t believe in writer’s block. Carpenters don’t get carpenters’ block. And surgeons don’t get surgeons’ block (thank goodness!) So writer’s blocked is “made up” or “an excuse.” I thought… Continue reading Writer’s Block Is Not The End