Freedom is under attack. Not by enemies, but by our neighbors. The Texas law banning abortion is the worst kind of law. Not just because it denies women the right to make decisions about their own bodies, their own lives, but because it invites neighbors, friends, and family to turn on each other. That is… Continue reading Freedom is Under Attack
Tag: freedom
First Lines Friday with Freedom Fighters
First Line Friday is a blog series posted on the first Friday of every month. The first line of a story, we’re told, must hook the reader. Implied is that the reader will not buy the book if the first line isn’t great. These entries are from Amazon, my personal library, or other online booksellers.… Continue reading First Lines Friday with Freedom Fighters
Do You Support the Reality of Freedom?
I spoke a little about the symbols of freedom a few weeks ago in my post, What’s Your Symbol of Freedom. I’m not advocating that we all see the symbols of freedom in the same way. And yet, the symbols stand for ideas or ideals that we supposedly believe and support. But do you support… Continue reading Do You Support the Reality of Freedom?
What’s Your Symbol of Freedom and Democracy?
The Statue of Liberty used to be a “universal symbol of freedom and democracy.” In light of current events, perhaps its meaning isn’t quite so universal.
Always Remember 9/11
Today is the eighteenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001. Always remember 9/11. Terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center’s twin towers in New York City and into the Pentagon. A third plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Its passengers, aware of what had happened, fought back and sacrificed their lives. First responders… Continue reading Always Remember 9/11