Need a Last Minute Gift for Your Writer Friend?

Treat Your Christmas Stress with Laughter

Those of you who have followed this blog for a while know I’m a procrastinator in nearly every aspect of my life. This includes finding and buying gifts. Especially those for my writer friends. (I have a lot of those, do you?)

I thought I’d share some “golden” gift ideas you might use for your writer friends. (Okay. I found them to leave hints for my friends and family, but you might need them, too.) All images should be clickable to reach the site where that item is sold.


Pens are always a nice gift for writers (and artists.) Her Writers often handwrite notes or keep journals. Some even handwrite entire novels. You can find budget-friendly to mid-range and high-end products that appeal to every personality. These caught my eye.

Eco-friendly gel pens 

Image of a gel pen with cap.

Dip pens and Fountain Pens

On Amazon:

Image of six dip pens made of swirled glass in blues, greens, pink, and black and white.

This beauty is on etsy.

Pen Holders

Since I’m a science fiction author, these are the two that caught my eye, but there are dozens more.

A robot.

photo of a small, desktop pen holder with two wood rectangles. A small one for the head and a large one for the body. It has a pen cap for a hat, rounded metal brads for eyes and ears, a small round metal thing for a nose, a bolt for a mouth. It's arms are metal rods with swivel shoulders and hips. It's seated on a round slice of a tree limb. The pen holder is on its back.

This one is “interstellar.” The pen floats inside the holder.


Many writers like to decorate their laptop computers, journals, and notebooks with stickers. There are too many to choose from, but I found a few samples.

On Etsy

Image shows a hand holding a sticker that looks like an old manual typewriter with a page in the roller that says, "write your own story."

There are funny ones to choose from as well. Like this one that says “Shut up and Write.”

Here’s a whole page of stickers for writers.


I’d drink my coffee out of a mug that explains the mind of a writer.

A white mug that reads, "The mind of a wirter can be a truly terrifying thing: isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination and consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that's on a good day."

I do have to say, my good days are a whole lot better than that.

The definition of a writer is available on Redbubble.


Might be a bit late for this one, but I doubt there are few female writers alive who wouldn’t want their own book covers as earrings. 

Image of gold hook earrings with tiny books, the covers are "The Count of Monte Cristo."

There are bookcase earrings and even necklaces. This necklace shows a typewriter and the message, “I make stuff up.”

Don’t despair for your male friends. There are cufflinks that can be customized with their book cover, too.

And writing lapel pins. This one is the writer tarot card.

Image shows a man's open hand with an enameled pin resting on his fingers. The pin has roman numerals across the top and shows the image of a manual typewriter and a cup of coffee on a table top and beyond them a window that shows the night sky


Posters you can print out for free are available. So are art-print posters and framed posters.

Click the image below to get to the positivewriter website with a bunch of printable posters for writers.

Image os text pm a green background. It reads "create on your own terms." by Bryan Hutchinson, author of "Writer's Doubt" at the

Etsy had this framed poster that spoke to me.

framed poster of a three column printed page as the background printed over that in large type are the words "And one day the girl with the books became the woman writing them" Kristen Costello

Candles and Mood Lighting

Sometimes a writer needs a little help inspiring the muse.

This candle’s supposed to smell like old books.

Desk lights and projector lamps can help the words flow better.

Desk light shaped like a book with its pages fanning.

There are lamps that look like the moon is on your desk.

This one’s a grimoire!

Books About Writing

cover of the book bird by bird
Cover of Stephen King's memoir "on Writing."
The cover of Ray Bradbury's Zen in the art of Writing.

Resource Books

Covers of the Negative trait thesaurus, the emotion thesaurus and the positive trait thesaurus all available at most online bookstores.
cover of the Newsletter Ninja's How to become an Author mailing list expert.
Cover of Dwight V Swain's Techniques of the selling writer.

Writing Apparel

black fingerless writing gloves with white writing from the book Dracula
A long blue wool scarf with white type from Alice in Wonderland
black short sleeved t-shirt with white image and text. Image is an open book with skyscrapers, airplanes, and birds coming out of the pages. Below the image it reads Future Best selling author


Holly Lisle’s How to Rewrite Your Novel and How to Write Your Novel courses blew my mind in the best possible way. 

Margie Lawson’s Master Immersion class (and its prerequisites) improved my writing massively. Since the pandemic she also offers virtual classes. 

A writing retreat on a cruise.

I’ve been to a writing retreat. I’ve been on a cruise. I’ve never been on a writing cruise. I’ve got friends who have and swear by Cruising Writers.

Any benefactors out there? Just kidding. The Writing Excuses Retreat is a retreat I’ve wanted to experience for a long time. Pricey, but it sounds amazing!

Holiday Wishes

The best present you can give your writer friend is your year-round support. Maybe a coffee or lunch date. Encouragement. Reviews. Spreading the word about your friend’s amazing book on social media, your website, or in-person mean more than you can ever understand. 

Thank you, readers. I see and feel your support of this website and my books. I am eternally grateful and I wish you all good health, good friends, and good times. Merry Christmas

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