10 Ways to Say Thank You

It’s been another year. Another crazy, topsy-turvy year. And for some of us (at least in America), Thanksgiving Day will be hard, fraught with difficult emotions. I’ve found it helpful to look for my gratitude during those times. But it isn’t easy to find something to be thankful for when you’re grieving, or angry, or… Continue reading 10 Ways to Say Thank You

Quotes from Dystopian Fiction to Inspire You

Some people say that dystopian fiction arouses our fears of dire “if this goes on” futures. Many think dystopian fiction is too dark to read, too depressing. Perhaps. And yet, most of us don’t read to depress ourselves. When you look closely, you can also find hope and words to inspire you. There must be… Continue reading Quotes from Dystopian Fiction to Inspire You

Let’s Celebrate International Literacy Day

It is September 8th. Let’s celebrate International Literacy Day. Perhaps you wonder why we should have an international literacy day. Why? Because even though you can read this, there are more than 7 million people in the world who cannot read. Think of it, 16% of the world’s population cannot read or write. And most… Continue reading Let’s Celebrate International Literacy Day

Comfort for Your Monday Moaning Blues

Traditionally Monday is the worst day of the week. I get it. I used to moan about Monday. Every. Single. Week. And it never got better. Monday became a thing to dread. Until I remembered some childhood lessons. There is comfort for your Monday moaning blues in these quotes. Revisiting the wisdom in some children’s… Continue reading Comfort for Your Monday Moaning Blues