Learn the difference between emotions and feelings so you can practice self-care. Give yourself the holiday season you need.
Tag: mental health
Three More Creativity Myths to Challenge
We believe we are a modern people and don’t believe in myths. Alas, we are wrong. Find out which creativity myths are untrue.
The Insanity of Inequality
In 1851, the state of Illinois opened its first hospital for the mentally ill. The state legislature passed a law to protect people from being committed against his or her will. The law required a public hearing before that person was committed. With one exception, a husband could have his wife committed without either a… Continue reading The Insanity of Inequality
Comfort for Your Monday Moaning Blues
Traditionally Monday is the worst day of the week. I get it. I used to moan about Monday. Every. Single. Week. And it never got better. Monday became a thing to dread. Until I remembered some childhood lessons. There is comfort for your Monday moaning blues in these quotes. Revisiting the wisdom in some children’s… Continue reading Comfort for Your Monday Moaning Blues
You Are Strong Enough
After all we’ve been through as individuals and a nation, we’re all tired. Even if we have hope, we’re stress fatigued. No matter how tired you are of all that’s happened. You are strong enough. Yes, we have months to go before we have a handle on the pandemic. Longer for economic and racial injustices… Continue reading You Are Strong Enough