Welcome Joy Into Your LIfe

If you’ve been following the past few posts on the gift of joy, steps to your more joyful life, and creating your joy toolbox you have been practicing at least a few of the steps mentioned in those posts. Congratulations. Your life is more joyful already, isn’t it? Continue to welcome joy into your life… Continue reading Welcome Joy Into Your LIfe

Discover Hope in Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels

Reading can be escape and inspiration. Sometimes reading is difficult. Other times it’s easy. Reading can open our eyes and minds and hearts to different ways to think, a new world, or to life, love, and maybe death. One of the greatest things reading can give us is hope. Hope grew scarce during 2020. Now,… Continue reading Discover Hope in Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels

Are You Suffering from Stress Fatigue?

As the pandemic and political strife continue, many of you may feel that the situation is hopeless. Maybe instead of hopeless, you’re suffering from stress fatigue. Ongoing stress can do that. Life is tough, my darling, but so are you. —Stephanie Bennett-Henry What is Stress Fatigue? Fatigue is a “weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion,… Continue reading Are You Suffering from Stress Fatigue?

Are You Failing the Altruism Test?

Our world is suffering. These unsettling times of pandemic, racial inequities, economic upheaval, and political lies and manipulations sweep through and relentlessly causes death and destruction. People respond to each problem as if it’s a hoax, or the acts of madmen and mass murderers, or as if it’s the end of the world. It is… Continue reading Are You Failing the Altruism Test?