How Do You Recognize a Strong Woman?

For the past four years, this blog has featured brief biographies of women. Each woman featured shows strength, but it’s not necessarily physical strength. If it’s not physical strength, how do you recognize a strong woman? Daring greatly is being brave and afraid every minute of the day at the exact same time. Brene Brown… Continue reading How Do You Recognize a Strong Woman?

You Are Strong Enough

After all we’ve been through as individuals and a nation, we’re all tired. Even if we have hope, we’re stress fatigued. No matter how tired you are of all that’s happened. You are strong enough. Yes, we have months to go before we have a handle on the pandemic. Longer for economic and racial injustices… Continue reading You Are Strong Enough

Believe You Can and You Will

Sometimes we get right up to a new project and we begin to second guess ourselves. Doubt creeps in and we call it reality. Don’t let that reality stop you. Believe you can and you will accomplish your dream. Whether you are starting a new project next month for NANOWRIMO, or you’re starting something new… Continue reading Believe You Can and You Will

5 Tips For Staying Motivated

It’s the “lazy hazy days of procrastination” in Kansas. Motivation? It’s too hot. Focus? There are swimming pools and parties and picnics calling you. Not getting far on that project of yours? Here are five tips for staying motivated during the lazy hazy days of summer (or any time of year.) People often say that… Continue reading 5 Tips For Staying Motivated