The hostile-to-humans environment of outer space presents seemingly infinite obstacles to our desire to explore. But scientists may be on the way to making
Exploring Mars Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Lynette M. Burrows reviews how NASA has been exploring Mars in preparation for a review of her popular Going to Mars Word by Word blog series.
NASA Spinoff Tech You Have Used
Did you know that one degree celsius difference in temperature between your right and left leg means you may have sensory nerve damage in your lower back? Did you know a hot spot on your skin, or inside your body, could mean an infection or an inflammatory disease? Detected cold spots often mean poor blood… Continue reading NASA Spinoff Tech You Have Used
Is There an Awesome NASA Spinoff in Your Home?
Have you heard of NASA Spinoffs? When Congress established NASA in 1958, it required the space agency to share information about its discoveries. They also gave NASA the go-ahead to patent inventions and help businesses develop commercial uses for them. The results are amazing. Thousands of devices started because of research for space vehicles or… Continue reading Is There an Awesome NASA Spinoff in Your Home?
An Inspiring Woman In Space And On The Ground
From last week’s strong Mohawk woman of the revolutionary war era we’re coming forward hundreds of years. This week’s Women’s History Month spotlight is on an inspiring woman in space and on the ground, Ellen Ochoa. Ms. Ochoa, a Hispanic-American Woman, made history in our lifetime. Engineer, inventor, astronaut, and administrator, she is a champion… Continue reading An Inspiring Woman In Space And On The Ground