I am grateful for the calendar. What? Did I just say that? Yes, I did. Without the calendar, I would not be able to mark this week, this birthday. Happy birthday, WANA1011. Did you know that birthdays weren’t celebrated until after the calendar was perfected? Once there was a calendar, then the days had to be… Continue reading Happy Birthday, WANA1011
Tag: We are Not Alone
Spreading the Christmas and Chanuka Cheer
We’re all busy at this time of year… So today, I’m sharing a few blog posts to spread the Christmas and Chanuka cheer. Enjoy.
Can A Bad Hair Day Be A Good Thing?
Recently on Twitter, one of my WANA1011 classmates mentioned she’d gotten a new hairdo and how good that made her feel. A great haircut and color can do that. It’s invigorating. But a monstrously bad hairstyle? Well, sometimes a bad hair day can teach you a thing or two. CHANGE IS SCARY Shortly after I… Continue reading Can A Bad Hair Day Be A Good Thing?
Sometimes I Feel Like a Martian
For the past year or two, I have read a lot about how important it is to build an author’s platform. It seemed that everyone was doing it. Once again, I was out of step. But what was a platform? What was a blog? I felt like a Martian and needed an interpreter. So I decided… Continue reading Sometimes I Feel Like a Martian