Why we Believe in the Impossible

Since the beginning of time, people have believed in the supernatural to explain things they did not understand. As scientific knowledge and understanding grew, one would think belief in the supernatural would lessen or disappear. Turns out that’s not true. Why do we hold on to false beliefs? Why do we believe in the impossible?…… Continue reading Why we Believe in the Impossible

Labor Day Inspirations and Information

It’s a U.S. holiday called Labor Day created to honor and recognize the American Labor Movement. And this is a short video (two and a half minutes) of Labor Day Inspirations and Information. The transcript is below TRANSCRIPT Though President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, the occasion was first observed…… Continue reading Labor Day Inspirations and Information

To Not-Mothers and Not-Standard Mothers

Yesterday was Mother’s Day. It’s good to celebrate Mothers. Mothers do a lot that is often unpleasant, unrecognized, and unrewarded. And yet… Mother’s Day is woefully narrow-minded. There are many mothers that don’t fit the “mold.” There are foster mothers, step-mothers, males who mother, mentors, friends, sisters. And then there are the not-mothers. The single…… Continue reading To Not-Mothers and Not-Standard Mothers