Fear and its cousin, anxiety, are sneaky. Most of the time, they are protective and helpful. But fear can be a creativity-killer.
Tag: creativity
the Indispensable NEW Companion to the Emotion Thesaurus!
#Writers, you’re in for a special treat today. I’m helping to get the word out about a new book and a HUGE giveaway Angela and Becca are running to celebrate!
How Creatives Can Improve their Motivation: It Isn’t Magic
It can be a struggle to create when it’s not your full-time job—and sometimes, even when it is. Understand why you resist and how motivation works can help.
Where You Can Find Inspiration
What do we do when we feel uninspired or blocked creatively? This post reminds you why you might be blocked and gives some exercises to reawaken your ideas.
The Pull-me, Push-You of Creativity
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You are creative. Don’t believe me? It’s time you learn about the creative personality.