Can You Write When You Are Sick?

Can you write when you are sick? I’m still fighting off my cold. It’s getting better, but breathing well, sleeping well, and having enough energy and attention to do my best work are still challenging. So, have I been just laying around feeling sorry for myself? Well — if I’m honest with you, mostly. But…… Continue reading Can You Write When You Are Sick?

Life – It’s a Balancing Act – Really!

I’ve read a lot of blogs during the last week or two that mention a goal or resolution of restoring balance in their lives. Apparently, 2 011 left a lot of people feeling unbalanced for a lot of reasons. Ever the helpful girl scout, I went in search of all things balanced and discovered, as…… Continue reading Life – It’s a Balancing Act – Really!

The Road to Success

They say make resolutions. But others say most resolutions fail so don’t make resolutions, make goals. Make long term goals. No, make short term goals. Not only that, they tell you how you must make goals. And each person has their own rules. You could get whiplash from adjusting your plan. Arg! So which way…… Continue reading The Road to Success

2011, The Good News

2011 is coming to an end, and for some, not a moment too soon. You might question my sanity with the post title 2011, the good news. There were politicians, businessmen, and celebrities who behaved badly. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes that killed and destroyed. Economies of many nations hover on the brink of collapse. There…… Continue reading 2011, The Good News