Feed Your Creativity

Nanowrimo is an acronym for National Novel Writing Month. Held every November, it’s a month of relentless creativity. The goal is to write 50,000 words in thirty days. Many writers embrace this group event. But it leaves out many other creatives. There needs to be a National Feed Your Creativity Month open for creatives of…… Continue reading Feed Your Creativity

A Good Deed Brightens Your Day

I was having one of those Very-Bad-No-Good-Days. One of the worst I’d had in a long while. When along came a total stranger and he turned my day and my attitude around. I’m not just saying that. There is science that shows good deeds and volunteer work reduces stress. I hope the story of a…… Continue reading A Good Deed Brightens Your Day

Use Your Kind Voice When You Need One

Are you at the point where all you see around you is thanklessness, faultfinding, and anger? A lot of us are. Perhaps it’s time to take a deep breath and check in on ourselves. So many stressors in the world, in the news, in our daily lives, many of us have forgotten to be compassionate to…… Continue reading Use Your Kind Voice When You Need One

Let’s Celebrate International Literacy Day

It is September 8th. Let’s celebrate International Literacy Day. Perhaps you wonder why we should have an international literacy day. Why? Because even though you can read this, there are more than 7 million people in the world who cannot read. Think of it, 16% of the world’s population cannot read or write. And most…… Continue reading Let’s Celebrate International Literacy Day